Wednesday, April 25, 2007
My brother fainted yesterday in school during his first training in Ngee Ann Dragon Boat Team.
WTF. Stupid coach, stupid training and lastly, stupid brother.
He was telling me and my mum about the joining the team and we were telling him not too. A few days later, these kind of things happened!
Fuck la.
He's now hospitalized for I dont know how many days. Sickening. Waiting for the ward! Lousy right? Got to wait so long. Poor thing.
At least he is now awake lar, when me and my dad rushed down last evening, he was in a state of shock cos he couldnt answer any questions my dad asked him. he jus stared in blank space! Scared the hell outta us. Cos recently alot of pple bcos of excercising, they collapse. Luckily my bro is ok liao.
He was very funny la, my mum asked him jus now if he's ok liao, he said at the point of time he collasped, he was telling himself, im dying, i cannot close my eyes, if i close my eyes i will die. But his coach told us he fainted. So i guess, sub-consiouciously, he was telling himself tt.
Well, who would want to die so early! Siao~
Need to wait for full check up b4 we know wad exactly happened. And a little secret... the coach was very very very very scared!
Hais, im trying to control myself man.
It's hard to kick this addiction. Fuck man.
Each time i surf FJC, i see alot of poisons. IM SO TEMPTED TO BUY THEM ALL and ignore my wedding!! But i cant! Hais.
SHIT la, its so hard leh. I think i've been poisoned too deeply le. Self poison u know? haha. ownself read then ownself poison ownself. stewpig right. blardy hell. HAHA. recently i like to say bloody hell alot.
Today is me and ah bun's 66th month anniversary. So Scary 5 years & 6 mths, 66 mths... Ewww.. so long. HAHA.
His SMS to me is Muackz, we will always be together.
Sweet tio bo.
My reply was,
who want to be together with u, u so fat.
O.o im getting a little mean. ^.^
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I Don't Believe It
一个人走在傍晚七点的台北 City
I Hate Myself

this pair of birks is LOVELY!
siao liao, i think im getting too bling bling liao. LOL.
Damn into bling bling stuffs! This pair of birks is chio. but too bad the size does not fit me. i think i will go JP and get a pair of it. its bling bling la!!
been doing shopping on yahoo auctions and saw alot of bling bling stuffs. bought 1 mickey mouse pink bling bling watch for $6!!! OMG. dirt cheap leh.
if anyone happen to see bling bling stuffs, let me know ya. my car is bling bling too... hehe...
The proposal is so sweet. But not from my ah Bun. Its from Zhang rong to Miao Pei. He's so sweet lar.
On sat we went to Miao Pei's 24th Bdae chalet @ Coasta Sands Resort. After cutting the bdae cake, Lishi & MP went up to the room then suddenly ZR told us tt he actually book the chalet next door and he is going to propose to MP now. And the plan goes like this. MP will be blindfolded down to the chalet beside and then, there will be a surprise for her. Guess wad when he unlocked the door, there was this BIG heartshape laid with candles and everyone helped to light up the candles and ITS CHIO lor. on the stairways up to the rooms, ZR did up 5 posters which includes 5 diff stages of their relationship together, sec sch days, poly days, army day, working life and their future. ITS VERY VERY SWEET I TELL U!!! up in the room, theres the palets of roses laid on the bed forming a big I L U. with a handwritten card and a gigantic photo frame with all their joyful memories in it.
so as MP was led to the chalet and unfolded, she was so surprised and she cried! Well, which ger wont?? ZR kneel down and proposed to her and MP accepted and everyone clapped and cheered!! Well, 8 yrs together and happy ending!!!
MP was complaining to me earlier just now that ZR donno will marry her a not, sekali he back out and all tt stuff. Can you imagine how happy she is?? I can feel it!! And her 0.64 carets diamond ring is CHIO lar!! Wait till the photos are being sent to me then i shall post up the pictures! ITS CHIOOOOOOOOOOO!~~~
The guys were saying that now the std of proposal has been raised up liao, they were all scolding ZR tt he did too much now all the gers here would want their bfs to do much more than ZR! LOL. damn funny la. All the gers there were AWWWW... SO SWEET LAR!!!! i was very touched too. find tt ZR really spent time thinking, planning and doing all the stuffs. I think this is wad gers want as u see, its only a once in a lifetime thingy and ya, i think ZR & MP are very blissful. Wish them all the best and faster get married! =)
I'm sick.
Long John Silver's Seafood combo is delicious but killer! Got a sore throat straight after that fateful lunch. LOL. SHIT MAN.
Now i got fever, cold, cough and stomachache. sibei ke lian.
Cannot take MC as today got appointments. HAI HAI HAI.
Today is Friday the 13th. Becareful in whatever you do ah!~
Oh... Someone lost something i gave her... Brought back from BKK. HAIS.
I think when u've reached a certain age, u'll have goals...
My goals for the next 5 years..
2008 Jan - Marriage
2008 June - Change car to Honda Civic 1.8/2.0
2009 Dec - Move to a new house
2011 Jan - Hope to start my own biz..
Oooo.. Its so good to have goals man.. Goals is all u need to keep urself motivated to keep going!~
As u see, my dad's side has got 4 generations.
1st - Grandma
2nd - My dad and his 7 bros + sisters
3rd - me & my cousins
4th - my cousin's children
and so, 1 of my cousin, a lao ah beng who has got tattoos on his calves... very very ah beng one.. then ah, his son, a 16 yr old BOY. got tattoos on his calves as well!!!!
OMG lar. He stop schooling @ 14 and bloody hell, he's only 16 leh. SO NAUGHTY! and yest bai bai @ the temple, i was wearing sunglass ma.. due to the smoke and all.. He actually walked over and asked me, very sunny huh? I said no leh, yest got punched by some pai kia tts why must wear sunglass. LOL. he nothing to say. sibei funny lar.. ~~ after which, i asked him, wah, put wad picture on ur leg, he said no lar, drawn by color pencil one, then i say no wonder saw some color dripping off jus now! BTH.
Hai, 年纪小小 do these kind of things.. next time how?
I decided to start this new blog due to me deleting the previous one AS there are people who i dont want them to read about my daily life reading it! Hehe. So KPO pple, OUTTO!~
This is a fresh new one. No taggies included, anything, can jus opt to leave some comments lar. =)
Finally, I can talk about my WEDDING. i mean, me and my ah Bun's wedding. =)
Location: Hotel Miramar
Date: 5th January 2008
Convoy and all are to be updated again here..
Hotel & Bridal package all booked. Will be using my own car as Alvin from DFM will be sponsering my stickers! LOL. told him i want to add some stickers for my big day and he said he will sponser the big big just married sticker on my bonnet! Cool lar.. LOL .
Had a very nice long weekend.. Friday was a rush for me as went to bai bai, mahjong and westsiders meet up.. sat book the hotel + meet up with the guys @ Jon's place for mahjong & ktv.. SUnday was bai bai again + slp the whole day. BLing Bling lar.
Slept for 17 hours straight is one hella shiok.... Hehe..