Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I've finally decided on FD1 which is Honda Civic 1.8 (A) and it must be WHITE in color~~ And car plate MUST BE 1313. (Friends close 2 me will understand. its a memory for someone who is VERY VERY IMPT to me and im missing him so much!) So, look out for me yeah!Yeap yeap yeap. I threw the question of choosing and without any hesistation, Mr. Bun said FD LA! wah lau. machiam i know like tt. LOL.
Reasons being, we will have our kids in the near future. A big boot is necessary. A comfortable leg room is also must as i believe we must ferry his parents around + our kids. Seems like Ah Bun is becoming more matured huh? Knows how to think for the future le. Good good good. =)
Swift is out of the question due to pathetic boot space and leg room, colt plus is out too due to it being a turbo charged car. we want comfort more than anything as i will be using the car every single day.
Was browsing thru the FD's forum and DROOL lor.
I've planned the mods to be done le.
Exterior and Performance1) Change to White Rims. 17" will do. ( 1K)
2) Change to Fuji xos. VROOM~~ (1.2K)
3) Install Mugen Spoiler. (still considering bodykit) ($300)
4) Change to Coilovers for good handling (1.5K)
5) Install Strut bars ($500)
6) Carbon Fibre Bonnet ($800)
7) Tuning is a must for better performance (about 2K)
Interior1) Cover the roof and side door panels with VIP look leather like thingy (about $400)
2) Garson leather seats/ Bucket Seats (2k/ 3K)
3) Gauges (TBC as don really like the gauge look)
Wah lau. BTH. so long since i last mod my car le!!!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
My eyes are feeling so itchy now. But with the mascara on, how am i suppose to ease the itch? damn la.
Received our transport allowance early this morning.. My accounts says its a good sign to receive money early in the morning. LOL.
Currently, me, XiWei and Mersure are starting our online store to sell Havaianas Flipflops. We will be placing our orders to import the flops in from US. Cool huh? Price will definately be cheaper than retail stores, i mean, if u know what is Havaianas~ hee. Of course, we will bring in high-end ones, which is the limited edition gold and silver colored ones which only 1 word can describe it - C H I O. LOL
I will be keeping a pair each for Bun and me. =)
Decal will be moving office next Wed and we have to come back on a PH!! Sianz. but, nvm, we get a 1 day leave to cover back so ok la. Hopefully we can all unpack all our stuffs FAST so that we wont need to come back during the weekends!
Had a super busy weekend.
Fri (26/10)
Knocked off, went home for dinner. Had Bah Kut Teh for dinner. Super Yummy! my mum is a great cook man~ =)
after dinner, we headed to Westmall to buy my bro's hp @ Starhub. Dad saw the Samsung U700 and he had a love @ first sight with the phone. LOL. he was telling my bro to buy that phone and he will pass his N95 to him. Too bad, my bro declined the offer as he felt that N95 is too big a phone to carry around. and so my bro happily bought his w880i.
after westmall, went to WCM with bun to meet the SHC peeps. but too bad, the regulars were not there and most of them are cityzens pple. so we sat for awhile and went home. upon reaching home, i took a bath and was happily watching TV and bun's 3rd sis called and said that she just reached home and BLAH! we send her dog back to her Bishan home..
Reach home lie down "straight straight" on the bed! Haa..
Sat (27/10)
Woke up, had late breakfast and we went to choose our photos @ IMM. Very disappointed in the photos. I expected more. Din manage to choose EXTRAs. Sighs.
After that, went shopping ard @ IMM and Dad bought me a cooler to put in bun's place.. hehe. So sweet of him. I was complaining the day before on how hot it is going to be at Bun's place with no air-con and all la... then he bought me one from Best Denki.. =) Im so fortunate!
Went to Hougang after that with Bun to buy the Samsung U700 for him. LOL. and he is like sooooo happy la. =) hahahaha~ and so, i sold my N95 and i used his N95 as it is newer.
Sun (28/10)
Woke up damn early la. Went to Chinatown for breakfast with my family and bun. after breakfast, we went to buy our "Guo Da Li" stuffs.. Bought alot alot of stuffs and bloody hell, so much traditional stuffs to follow! BTH. as my grandma is still ard, so we have to obey her instructions...
After tt, we went home to bring my 3 chihuahuas out to Pasir Ris Farmway to swim and play. Theres a mini pool specially for dogs & training ground. The 3 of them had so much fun there lor. hahaa.. and they were so scared when we dump them into the swimming pool. LOL.
After tt, got my dad to send me to Bun's place to do painting.. And so, we paint and paint and paint... finally the living room is done!!! =D So proud of our work. hehe.
And... Its MOnday le..~ Today's sales meeting was a breeze~ =)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I was calculating my car's loan, PARF and dont know what COE rebate and all with Des. After much calculation, March should be fine to change car!
BUT, im still contemplating leh..
I've shortlisted a few and reasons why i like that particular car..
1. Suzuki Swift Sports
- 1600Cc. Road tax at about $400+ for 6 months.
- Comes with branded sports seats
- about 120bhp
- price range between 62 - 65K
- can fullfill my wish of zhng-ing it to Hello Kitty Theme
2. Honda Civic 1.8 aka FD
- Liked the car since I sat in Ben's FD.
- Really like the white colored one alot
- Like the digital speedometer
- about 150 bhp
- price range 72 -75K
3. Colt Version R
- Turbo charged car
- 1600cC only
- Compact
- Branded sports seat
- Momo steering wheel.
- about 160+ bhp
- price range 68 - 70K
these 3 cars are within my budget with downpayment of course! But.. I want to choose one.. But like so hard leh...!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Went for dinner at Aijisen (Junction 8) with Mr. Bun last night. We ate the volcano ramen + softshell crab + silver fish + salmon sashimi + chicken teriyaki don. Super full! While paying for the bill, we saw that Citibank Credit Card are able to get a 10% off the bill. Hehe. So i walk back to the car and took my wallet. Haha. 10% leh. LOL.
after which, we headed to Mr. Bun's 3rd Sister home @ Bishan to get her Sheetland Dog as they are going HK for holiday from 24th to 27th. The dog's name is Rocky and he's so much bigger than what I expected. No choice, got to put him at the back seat. His fur is... GORGEOUS!
But due to him being rehomed before, he looks quite sad when we brought him to my house. He might think that the owner dont want him again le.
And he is damn high a maintanence lor. When he was in my room, he kept drooling. Not becos im sexy or wearing some sexy lingerine. LOL. cos he was too hot/ humid. Thus, we on the air con and can see that he felt so much better. LOL. Imagine on-ing air-con for him all the way~ PIANG! Just like Husky, those who keep Husky, need to on air con for them day and night as they come from cold countries + their super thick fur.
Ok, its Wednesday already!!!! 2 more days to the weekend!!!
Good Morning! Haha, though its like 7.35pm now. I just woke up from my afternoon nap and my dinner~ WooHooo.. Again la, its shiok la. =)
Some updates for the weekends.
Fri (19/10)
Our 6th Year Anniversary~ HEHE. as stated in my previous post la. =)
Not much celebration la, just had dinner together. =)
Sat (20/10)
Met up with my NU REN and off we went to Royal Hotel to eat the steamboat. Ok, nothing worth mentioning at all. Its NOT nice. but the cooked food is edible la. After which we headed to Lot 1 to walk around.. And due to her super high heels she wore that day, she couldnt walk anymore. HAHA. *but at least u look taller! =P* after which, we went to my house to watch DVD. "I now pronouce u Chuck & Larry." Ok, pretty funny show. Not too bad. After the movie, my NU REN went for her company dinner le.
As for me, I waited for Mr. Bun to come home from his reservice. Then we had our dinner and we slept early as he was tired...
Sun (21/10)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS ENG!!!!Its your 22nd BIRD DAY ALREADY!! U r officially an OLD WOMAN!! Haha!!
Mr. & Mrs. Bun woke up at 8 plus am today! We went to Hougang for Breakfast. Wanted to eat my fav laksa BUTTTTTTTT super long queue. So just ordered noodles & our fav. soon kueh!! =) Yummy! After BF, we went to Tampinies Mall to shop. Quite disappointing as Metro closed le, quite a few shops under renovation. So kinda... Ya, and so we walked around for awhile and we went to Pasir Ris Farmway. There's this very nice mini swimming pool for dogs to swim, a BIG field with obstacle course for dogs to run about and a place for them to bath after their activities! So, we just hang around there watching all the cute furkids having so much fun! =)
After which, we headed to Tampinies Giant to walk around as we never been to the Giant before, but to Ikea before la. Walk around, nothing much... Then we headed back to Bt Panjang Plaza to buy our Lunch. Very sweet i tell u. hehe. we bought Oyster Mee Sua, some Old Chang Kee, Bubble Tea and we had our lunch in the car. Hehe.. =) *SMILE*
after which, we headed home to zZzzz le..
Nice and sweet weekend with my Mr. Bun.. =)
Hehe. So happy to receive a surprise from Mr. Bun!
2 presents from him! Hehe. He's certainly got good taste la~ LOL. =)

A pair of birks & a nike tee! I like! =D
This morning i received a very sweet SMS from Mr. Bun that brights up my day. Hehe.
Beware! Its kinda mushy! Haha.
My sms to him:
Bunny, happy 6th year anniversary. So fast 6 yrs le. Loving u more & more each day. 6 yrs = 600% more? hehe. Muaclz. Love ya forever..
His sms to me:
Hehe. I love you too Miss Bossy, happy 6 yrs anniversary, next time we celebrate with our children. hehe
LOL. i think he think too much le. Children? Haha.. Not so soon la. Prob another year or 2. haha.
Its 6 years already! Not long, not short. We went through alot together. Especially during his NS days.. It was the hardest period we went through. But still, we managed to survive with our love for each other. Yeap!~
Im so happy that we are getting married and stepping onto our next chapter together. Muacks.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Its the 18th today!
Its the 19th tomorrow! Our 6th years anniversary~
Its the 21th on Sunday~ My nu ren's Birthday!!!
Its like the 8th birthday I've spent with u!
U r 22 le!!! LOL.
Looking forward to the steamboat this Sunday with u! hehe~~
And i hope u'll like the bdae present for you!!
HAHA~~~ Love ya always!
MISS ENG!~~~~~
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Im tired!!! My stupid left leg is acting up on me AGAIN!!! SHEESH~
Whenever I dont have enough slp, my left leg will have this "so inside" pain. Hard to explain la!!!
Went to JB after work with Nai and his fren. Went for dinner then to buy dvds & ps2 games for bun. Bought all the shows that we actually wanted to watch but in the end nv watch one.. SHIOK! This week gotta be a WATCH THE MOVIE week!!! HAHA..
Ok, time for lunch!
Im feeling so motivated!! Stepping into Sony already!! Wish me luck man~~~
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
My new collection to my collection..
Bought online. =)

And im looking to buy this pair of chio thing lor. and its gotta be my first pair of birks.
Its in GLAM~ im so in love~

Looking for a shoe cabinet.. Any kind souls willing to buy me a shoe cabinet and continue my collection for Havaianas Flip Flops and my about to start collection for Birks?
Looking for a BIGGGG shoes cabinet to store my Havaianas... LOL. ok, im a girl right, i should have alot of heels right? haha.. okok.. I know.. I've got nothing but Havaianas... I love them.. Its so COMFY!! Got to purchase more this weekend.. HEE. Looking to collect their metallic version this time round. Just to have the Gold colored one but I lost 1 side of it!!! SIGHS. Its limited edition leh!~
Calista's mother-in-law passed away yesterday. My condolences. Sorry that im unable to go due to my wedding being so near already. My parents are afraid that it may clash. Sorry, my condolences. Take care ah~ Dont worry, anything just give us a buzz. We will help you settle things that you need help in!
Dont you pple think this walk in wardrobe is CHIO?
I like!
My new flat in 2009 will be like this!!
I love walk in wardrobe. I've got too much rubbish~~
Finally today is Monday.. Sighs.. Its work tomorrow! Nevertheless, i had a nice weekend!
Knocked off, had dinner at home then off we went to Brenda's place for MJ with Bun, Rich & Bren. Played till about 4am in the morning.. Bren's Dad sat down and played with us for 2 rounds. LOL. very funny i tell u. haha. I kept on saying what her dad is doing and he is like stunned. HAHA. after MJ, we went for breakfast at Tamp mac.. La kopi till 5+ in the morning and off we went home... Zzzz
Sat (13/10)
Woke up, went for lunch at Hougang then to Bun's place to paint his room.. Paint and paint and paint till 11+pm.. Went home and zzz cos really very tired le..
Sun (14/10)
Went for breakfast with my parents at Tiong Bahru. Then to Sheng Shiong then to Sungei Kadut to see furniture..
Came home, slept all the way till today morning..
Really feels good to recover all my sleep.. =)
Last night Bunny was very sweet.. HAHA. at about 11+ pm when i was deep in my slp, he went to Tamah Jurong to get our fav. fishball noodles for me.. Woke me up, the noodles was already on a plate and a glass of water for me. ate it, drank it and he said "come, give me the bowl.." and he went to wash the bowls for me..
Maybe some of u all might think that its nothing.. But to me, every little thing he does is very sweet. =)
Loving him more and more each day!
we went for breakfast with my bro & his gf and bunny at Jurong West.. Then my bro went to cut hair and we sent him to school. after which, we headed to BPP to check out the prices for the cakes to be distributed one.. Seems like Bengawan Solo is more worth it, but we like Swee Heng's fruit tarts.. Looks yummy... Got to check with my parents on that first..
Starting to be busy le.. HEee..
Ok, i shall go take a nap le. Bye~
Its 5pm finally... LOL. just came back to office. Went to Tuas AGAIN! Yes, from Mon to Fri, every single day without fail, i'll be at Tuas la... HAHA. Ask me about Tuas's direction, im damn sure. From Chin Bee to Tuas Ave 20 to Tuas South... ALL I KNOW AHHH... LOL.. =)
I love to drive to Tuas.. I like the long long journey.. Tune to your fav song, sing along, wind down a little of ur window, take a smoke... its SHIOKalicious I TELL YOU!!
Its the long weekend long weekend longgggg weekendddddd~~
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Today is a superbbbbb S H I O K day. Boss outstationed to our Thailand office! HAHAHA!! MUAHAHAHA!!~ Guess what, met up with Bun Bun for breakfast this morning, then off we went for my appointments.. He followed me all the way from Mandai to Jurong West for breakfast, to Tuas and to Penjuru for appointments! LOL. so good to have him with me.. Entertaining me all the way through the long long journey.
After my appt, we headed to Queenstown for billiard.. Wah, super long nv play le... Had fun playing with him.. DOnno why he so happy today.. Haa..
Oh ya, and we started a joint account with OCBC this morning... Put the minimum deposit in as the rest of our money are in our POSB account.. Thinking of applying for credit card myself since my yearly gross income is applicable but having a Platinum sub card is not too bad already la.. LOL. gotta bug Dad to apply more sub for me! HAHA~
Gotta put some money in many many banks for own convenience .. after my marriage, gotta put money in fixed deposit as well... MUAHAHAH..
Cant wait for next yr to arrive.. Anticipating for my marriage and finally can sell my Honda Fit & upgrade to Civic 1.8... thinking of Integra Type R.. But then... SIGNs. if buy a type r that kena abused before, tracked before.. wah, damn sian one... I feel like buying a comfortable car with comfy leather seats, quiet driving.. As my current ride... I hate the HKS exhaust actually.. but I like the look and the vroom vroom.. Aiyah, ok... i know i very contradicting.. LOL.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Went for dinner with Mum & Bun to Chin Bee Ave for our fav. curry fishhead last night. Hehe.
After which, send mum home & we went to Fajar to see Bun's company doc. for MC. His neck always feeling pain so decided to see doc. Now he's at home nua-ing & keep on wanting me to go hm accompany him. LOL.
This weekend got to paint his house le... Shack!~ Though this Sat is PH, and my company operates in a 5 day week, they decided to compensate us by shutting down on Monday! So I've got a super long weekend!!! Yuppie!~
Miss Eng, bon voyage to Japan. I also wanna go leh! *envy*
Miss ya nonsence... haha... Take care~~ *muacks! LOL
Took me 30 mins to do the layout and editing the photos. I've got a stiff neck now!!
Had my photoshoot on Sunday, 7th October. =)
I love the indoor shoot! I LOVE THE BULBS SCENE. its chio can. im sure the effect will be SEXY!! =D
First of all, I would like to thank Ms. Eng for accompanying me throughout my photoshoot and keeping us all entertained with her never fading energy, Joan for helping me here & there, Irene for co-ordinating and all.
these 3 gers have helped me alot throughout my preparation. =) i really appreciate it, alot!
Secondly, I would like to apologise to my photographer for doubting her skills. She's GOOD! *thumbs up!
Im still tired... Stress over work issues...
Luckily, I've got a excellent Bun Bun who gives me a loving hug at the end of the day when Im feeling stress & exhausted..
I just love my bun to the bits la! LOL. he is so CUTEE!! *pinches him on his round cheeks!
my customer sms-ed me asking me if he can meet me for a cuppa coffee and his sms was :
Can treat u drink kopi? *actually looking for a chance to date you out*
and so i showed bun this sms and his reply was :
tell him you are married already hor, who ask you to anyhow talk to guys huh?
and i replied to him :
cos you fat ma. and i told him im single!
and he replied :
F U.
on a even happier note, we are going to Sentosa!! YUPPIE!! we as in me and my siao on colleagues la, who else? LOL.
We are going either on the 13th/ 20th. So, spot me there! =)