Friday, November 30, 2007
Yesterday was a super BLUR day!!
Dan's finished using his $500 worth of petrol our company provide us with and so he took my car out. We went to Tuas, Kallang & Changi! 1 word - SHACK.
You cant imagine driving the stupid car ard. The pick up is sOooOOo slow, when going at 100km/h, the engine starts "roaring" = crying. LOL.
Had lots of fun talking to one of my favourite colleague Daniel Lim! =)
I was surfing the Civic club forum yesterday and came to a thread that is about a car shampoo specially for white cars. The response is pretty good & price is reasonable!
Stamford Tyres - $11 +
Esso - $9 +
and the smartest me went to the local supplier's warehouse & bought it for $7.40 !!
Bought 1 bottle for Jonathon as well.
Right after a sumptous dinner of Hor Fan my Mum cooked, Bun suggested we go West Coast Mac to settle our wedding guest list. So off we went and we spent about an hour and a half to finish arranging who should sit at which table and all.
Now, everything has been confirmed and all the tables are full! =)
Next up will be writing the invitation card! Wah, shack lor! And have to start distributing!
I can anticipate BUSY- NESS in the next 1 month!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
after much discussion, we finally decided to apply for the most expensive item we bought in our life! Haha!
We've decided to go for the 4-room flat @ Sengkang. Soon, i will be north/ east deviants! LOL.
I like the layout of the flat. squarish enough! good for my walk-in wardrobe!! Yeap!
Click here to see!
Finally cleared up the air between me & bun. had some minor probs regarding some minor issues. LOL.
we trash it out and find the root of the prob. i find that it is very important. no use to quarrel over and over again for the same issue but not finding the root of the prob and solving it once and for all.
am very glad that it is finally settled as i look forward to a good marriage life. =)
love u!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Its raining SUPER heavily now!
Flooded everywhere!
Went to deliver to my customer Qian Hu Fish Farm. One of the largest fish wholesaler. Went there and I saw 3 white cars. Lexus, Mercs and BMW with the same car plate. if my memory did not fail me it is 7087. Confirm is the bosses one lor.
Saw a very big painting there.
To maintain a business is NOT by mood, it is by DISCIPLINE!find it very true la.
must learn from these successful people in order to be successful in life! =)
Working towards my goal! =P
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Slept at my usual timing last night and our dearest Mr. Policeman called me close to 12 midnight.
Conversation was like this:
Policeman: Hi, Can I speak to Yvonne please?
Me: Huh? *in super daze state as I tot it was my alarm clock.
Policeman: Hi, Can I speak to Yvonne please?
Me: Ya, speaking......
Police: Oh, it is with regards to the police report you have lodge with regards to the insult on your blog.
Me: Ya....
Police: I'm calling you to inform you that if you wish to pursue this matter, you can head down to any of the Police HQ and file for a magistrate report.
Me: Oh... Ok....
Police: I'm sorry to disturb you at such a timing. If you have any questions, you can call me back.
Me: Okok... Byebye...
I din know that policeman nowadays are so hardworking. As in, I thought those Investigators only work 8 - 5pm you see. LOL..
So, should I pursue this matter or not?
Monday, November 26, 2007

Email confirmation on the police report lodged.
By saying that I've lodge a police report, Im not kidding.
Picture speaks a thousand words.

26th Nov 2006 - 26th Nov 2007. Today marks the 1st year; this 1 whole yr, i live with regrets, sadness and anger. I regreted why I chose to make that decision. I'm filled with sadness that I could not see you again. I'm angry with myself for not saving you. BB boy, Mummy is really sorry for putting you to sleep. Mummy really made the wrong decision. I should have asked the vet to save you though your survival chance is less than 50%. Thinking back, its still hope, why didnt I chose to save you? You looked really weak and painful when I sent you to the hospital. But Im glad I was with you through the last moments of your life. Im glad we spent 2 yrs together, closely. Im glad we were so close to the extend of sleeping, eating and drinking together. Im sorry to let you eat whatever you want to and caused you to fall ill. Just wanna let you know, although you are not with me physically, u live in my heart forever.
Forever loving and missing you.

Everyone says you've got a good and handsome dog...
I'm so proud of you Baby boy...
The day when you just beome a part of our family...
I miss the sound of the your bell bell when you run towards the door when Im back...
Your all-time fav. ball ball. Especially when you'r angry, you will bite real hard on the ball..
I still have your ball ball with me... Nv allow other dogs to touch it..
Your bed is still with me.. But the smell is fading due to the time...
When will you back to slp on the bed?

The way we always share our food...
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Friday (23/11)
Went home for a quick dinner and left for Tampinies Mall with Bun to shop... Walk ard and there was really nothing to buy! Went in to Watsons and ended up spending $40+ over there for some make-up products..
After TM, Bun asked for billiard again and we drove down to Queenstown again. Played billiard till about 12+am and we went to Tamah Jurong for Fishball noodles. Still taste as good as ever! *yummy!
Sat (24/11)
Yest is a very bad day. Someone pissed me off to the extend that I disappeared for 11 hours. Where did I go? Haha. I went out with Joan and seek shelter at her house.. Went to her house to fetch her then we went for breakfast at IMM Pepperlunch and then we shop ard there.. Joan bought a figurine from Precious Thoughts for her friend's birthday present. Damn ex lor. Close to $100 for that stupid clay thingy? LOL. That blur queen actually forgot to bring her wallet and handphone out! End up i sign for her expenses that dat first. We walk ard and I saw my cousin there! She looks prettier now le lor! As usual la, asked me about my wedding and blah blah blah~
As we continued to walk around, both of us, big Adidas fan walked into Adidas and we walk out with a pair of shoes each. LOL. same design but I got the white with purple and Joan got the white with Yellow. That char bor loves yellow alot!
Shopping can really ease my anger and sadness.
After which, we headed to her house to bring her Shih Tzu, Chucky Boi and to my place to bring my CHH xiao hei to vet. Mine for first vaccination, hers for skin prob & last vacc & microchip.
After tt, send xiao hei home and i went up to her house to seek shelter. LOL. she did pedicure for me. So shiok ! hee.. after the pedicure we slack for awhile surfing Victoria Secrets webby and she asked me to choose a pyjamas! LOL. damn sexy lo. She wanted to buy it for my wedding present! LOL. so sweet of her to think of at night tt time what will happen lor~ HAHA.
after tt, we went for out dinner! Had a short dinner near her place there and send her home.. After tt.. i went to one of the MSCP at CCK to quieten down and think. Think and think and think..
Friday, November 23, 2007
All right, enough of sad postings! On a happier note, im going to TM to shop and dinner with my Bun! I love shopping! =)
This is a happy blog ok? =) kakakakaka~~
Bun has really become matured as the days goes by.
He sms-ed me this morning asking me to apologise to my mum. I said NO! im not in the wrong..
and he replied me saying if next time our kids talk loudly to us, we also sad ma right?
awww.. after this sms, i sms my mum Sorry.
loving u more and more! =)
I was borned with sensitive eyes. I could not open my eyes when I was a infant. There were sticky substance coming and causing me to have problems opening my eyes.
You had to relieve my pain by licking away the sticky substance so that I can open my eyes without pain. You took great pains to bring up me and my bro. I really appreciate it.
I know you and Dad work harder than anyone to give us a good life. That is why I've always respect all 2. I never show it out, but deep down in my heart I appreciate.
I know you adore bro more than me, I hate to say this but you are BIASED. The countless of quarrels and fights we had are all because of this issue. Dad talked to me. He told me how you took care of me and that you love me too. I tried to convince myself to believe it. I believe you can see clearly that I always chose to keep quiet when you scold me. I will always tell myself, you are my Mum. You work in the day and you got to rush home to cook dinner and wash up after everything. Yes, I know you take real good care of us. Me and my bro do not need to do housework at all. Im really glad that I have a Mum who is so willing to do this for us.
I know you may have some mood swings and you will nag at me. Ok, I accept. You said that girls should learn to do housework. Fine, I accept. But till date, you still have not given me any reason why bro does not need to do anything?
You said Im petty, I've got only one bro yet I cant accept that. Mum, you gotta know that when dealing with human, you got to be FAIR. When I answer you back, you say I talk back. When bro answer you back, you keep quiet.
I do, you scold. I dont, you scold. What is it that you want?
Sometimes I kept thinking I cant bear to leave this home. I've got so much fun moments here. But, since last night's issue, I cant wait to leave. Really.
I do what you want, and you had to scold me for always not doing it. What is it that Im wrong?
I merely replied saying am I not doing it now? You had to flare up like a crazy woman. You scold and scold and scold NON-STOP. I kept quiet already. But please, I have my limitations too. I retaliate and you said I was RUDE. Dad asked me to SHUT UP, dont quarrel. Just give in to her.
Come'on, Im not doing anything wrong in the first place, why should I? Everyone have to scream at me just because I did something right? FUCK MAN.
My tears are dripping on the keyboard as I type this blog entry. I'm hurt. Really.
Ask yourself, which of your children remembers your birthdays without fail yearly? Who is the one who runs all errands for you all? Who is the one who take care of you son when you 2 are overseas or out?
When I'm sick, do you even ask? Mum, ask yourself. Are you way too biased? Just because I dont say anything doesnt mean I don care. It does not mean that you can just continue to hurt me.
When your son is sick, you get so anxious about that little cold he has. When I'm sick, running with high fever with possibility of dengue, your hurtful comment was " so weak meh?"
I still chose to keep quiet. Dad will tell me to go see Doc. And he will ask how are you? feeling better le?
That is why I always respect my Dad. He work hard through his younger days, holding on to 2 jobs or even 3 to give us a good life. We were very poor back then. I still remember that our electricity was cut off on due to us having no money to pay the electricity bill. During Chinese New Year, everyone have new clothes to wear but we have to wear old clothes handed down.
It was until when I was 12 yrs old, we started to have a better life. Dad's hard work got recognized and he got promoted. Dad always have to work 200% harder than everyone. But no complains from him.
Until today, Dad's career is finally up and he has a stable and good income. Basically, we have no worries on financial issues, but Dad do not spend unneccesarily.
Dad, I've always respect you and I love you for all the great things you've done.
Mum, come to think of it, I think both of us have the same stubborn character. But i still love you for your givings and all. But still, I cant get rid of the bad feeling I have though I try to bury it deep down in my heart.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
My new additions to my adidas bag collection! Hehe. Bun said Im crazy to buy 2 same bag but diff color! LOL.

The past 2 days dinner was fishy business. HEE. meaning my dearest mummy bought alot of fish during the weekends and on Tues, we had my all time fav. Fish Meat Mee Hoon!! The soup is really good i tell ya~ U wont believe it till you try.
Last night was Steamboat Curry Fish Head! Another of my fav dish! YUMMY!
After dinner, me, Bun and my parents headed to Lot 1. They want to get another Sofa. Our present sofa is like the 4th one! Piang~ Mum said she dont like this sofa anymore. Really 3 mins fever one leh. And so we walk around Lot 1... Dad bought a wallet & key pouch set from Gold Lion, Bun bought a pink color tie for our wedding sponsered by Dad. Haha. Just walk around and headed home..
Feels real good to spend some time with your parents... =)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
LEOs, their motto in life is to spend on other people's expense. They will only give you a treat if there's some internal competition and they want to save face.
At number 4, its Aquarius. They will never snatch to foot the bill first, and they will pay on the dot. Unless, you're someone important then they will treat you.
Third place belongs to Cancerians. They sincerely think they are born as paupers.WTF -_- They dont anyhow spend money. Typical stingy poker. Money is for old age retirement, not anyhow treat people.
First Runner-up goes to Capricorns. These people are willing to pamper themselves. They are usually and genuinely POOR, and they dunno what they spent on.
And the winning zodiac for this goes to PISCES. They are never good with numbers and have the tendency to overspend. But because of extraordinary memory, they know where did every single penny ended up at. They believed every single cent earned is through hard work or sometimes good luck, so don't expect them to treat u much.
So, how accurate is this? Tell me!
happened to chance upon this blog...
Its saddening to read about how her husband left her for another woman when she is pregnant...
Its scary especially when I'm about to step into this next chapter of my life...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
My damages for today... LOL.
Open my wardrobe and all u can see is black tops..
Programs for the 3 days planned already..
7th Dec (friday)
work 1/2 day. after tt is own time own target and gather at Harbourfront at 5pm.
We've planned for billiard session...
Wont be driving to work tt day! Thanks to Dan, he will be driving me to work..
After boarding, we'll have our anniversary dinner first.
No casual wear. Only formal wear and no open toed footwear allowed lor!
Got to go buy shoes liao.
After which its own time own target! Most prob is drinking session one la... Haha..
Will drop by the casino to see see look look. =)
8th Dec (Sat)
Our Annual Day program includes Emcee games, Lucky Draw and the usual boring MD speech.
BBQ for dinner and own time own target le!
9th Dec (Sun)
Breakfast & Home Sweet Home!
Been surfing around for the best exterior look...
Mugen is very common on FDs.. J's racing more special..
Drooling over the pics..
Some for u to enjoy...

Monday, November 19, 2007
this is how my car will look like in the days to come~~
I love J's Racing!

Updates over the weekend.. Basically it’s just sleep and sleep… LOL.
Friday (16/11)
Did not go for weekly westsiders meet up due to me driving this STUPID car. Gotta miss the meet up till I get my car le. Nua-ed at home, had dinner, went to meet Rich & Bren at Hougang Plaza for billiard..
Sat (17/11)
Woke up @ 8 plus in the morning! Waited for mum to come home and cook lunch and when Ah Bun reach home, we went for our afternoon nap… LOL… Suppose to go to his house to do the last touch up for the doors, end up we slept like… =P
Had dinner at home and we went to Bukit Panjang Plaza to buy Bluetooth for my mum… wanted to get the Sony Ericsson IV835 which cost like $125… Mum wanted it so badly cos it has landyard that comes along with the BT… as my mum is that kind who will misplace her stuffs… she lost 2 bluetooths already! Went to the shop and ask for the model, apparently, it is an old model so they don’t carry it anymore. That shop owner is a nice guy and it introduced me to this model which has a land yard too and its chrome in color! Chio lor. And most appealing is that it cost half price lesser! For $65 ONLY! And so I thought of buying for myself as well… End up I bought 2 for $120… hahahah… cheap la… now I can easily just hang the BT on my neck le… After which, headed home to connect the BT for my mum and all la… then Bun asked to go billiard at queenstown… really BTH him. Billiard and billiard. Everyday from Mon to Fri.. Even Sat & Sun he also want. Played billiard till like 1+ am…
Sun (18/11)
Woke up, Bun keep pestering me that he wants to buy Billiard cue again... And so, we headed to Queensway to look for one. Its really pathetic. Only 1 small shop in Queensway sells and there’s only like 5 cues in the shop! -.-“
And so, refusing to give up, Bun said he wanted to go Penisular… Its better over there, at least there is like 4 shops selling… Chose and chose, bargain and bargain… End up, he says he don’t like and off we went to Hougang… Went to Hougang Mall for lunch… Raining damn heavily… But for the sake of my Ban Mian, I’m willing to !
That’s about all la…
Boss going on 2 weeks leave starting from this Friday… Its F R E E D O M !!!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Went out to meet Richmond & Brenda at Hougang Plaza for Billiard. Brenda knows how to play lor and she is quite accurate! Haha. So next time we can just play couple match! LOL.
After billiard went to Serangoon prata shop for my long-craved maggie goreng! Hehe! Ever since the world cup ended, we did not have prata & maggie goreng and of course our all time fav. lime syrup!! Hehe.. Quite sinful to eat at almost midnight you know? Haha. but once in a while is fine i guess~ =)
Talk cock and talk cock till 1am then brenda suddenly got headache due to low blood pressure.. so we headed home..
Today is painting day AGAIN! *sighs. I hate to paint!
I was looking thru the rims in the forum.. And I saw this rims and instantly fell in love with it!

So the chio right? LOL.
17" rims with either Yokohama S drive or Toyo T1R. Woohoo.
Good grip & quiet driving.
Cant Wait!!!!
Friday, November 16, 2007

SJB 1313 L
Lucky Lucky Lucky!!! Yeah!!
I've fulfilled one of the 2 promises to BB! loves~
1 more promise will be fulfilled after my wedding. =)
i'll use this car plate for as long as i drives a car... and if i pass away, i'll pass on to my child and make sure he uses it...
Note: All these photos are fresh from the camera. Not edited yet!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Remember? I had a ongoing project called " Project How to be a better gf"? LOL.
Yeah, Im still learning, but soon the project title will be changed to "Project How To Be A Better Wife".
Look through these 10 steps!
*i realized some parts are so true lor!
10 Steps to enjoying each other better...
1. Be realistic about each other. Don't try to turn your partner into something he or she is not. Let's face it, guys. There is only 1 Pamela Anderson in the world. Give your gal a break and understand that her physical appearance is NOT going to change overnight with the help of a few facials or treatments. And ladies, Brad Pitt has already been taken, so you are gonna have to do with what your guy is like! Chill out, love each other for what you are. There is more to your partner than what meets the eye.
2. Always talk things outNow guys, I know this is not your favourite pastime or mode of resolving issues, but you know what? This works with the gals. Don't make assumptions about each other's feelings. Learn to express youself better so that your partner understands what you are angry about, or hurt about, or even happy about! When you stop talking to each other from the heart, it's the beginning of the end.
3. Do stuff togetherMake an effort to do things together. Do some sports or involve yourselves in some shared activities; something both of you enjoy or are interested in. It could be as simple as watching movies together, or just strolling hand-in-hand down Orchard Road. Watch soccer with him once in a while though the green patch on TV puts you to sleep in 3 seconds. And guys, do give in if your gal asks for another day at window-shopping, rather than suggest that she go out with her girlfriends for "that sort of activities" instead. If you are spending more time with your friends than your partner, it's a warning sign that you are drifting apart!!!
4. Meet each other halfwayIf he agrees to throw out that rotten T-shirt with the "The Rock" print, you shouldn't kick up much of a fuss. If he asks you to keep your room tidy. There's got to be a little giving and taking in a relationship. So learn to meet each other halfway.
5. Show your loveBuy her flowers or candy or perfume every now and then. Even if you have been together for 5 years. It's wonderful to continue showing someone that you care for him or her. Cook him a special meal, paint him a Valentine's Day card. Knit him mini-socks he can't wear (like for decoration purposes). Buy him a packet of milk for breakfast, or pack his wardrobe for him... so he knows you can still be romantic and loving despite having been together for quite a while.
6. Respect each otherStop making jokes about her hair or skin, or whatever it is you love to laugh at. Ask yourself if she thinks its funny. And if he has an inferiority complex about his height, stop ogling at tall guys and make him feel worse! Love is about respecting each other's feelings and being sensitive to each other at all times.
7. Bury the pastStop bringing up the past. Gals... don't bring up the happy things about you and your ex to your guy. It would just make him jealous or unhappy. And guys, don't talk about the happy times that you had with your ex or mention about her in you every other sentence as it would make your gal feel unhappy and she might think that you are saying all this because you are going to get back with your ex or not interested in her anymore.
8. Sit in your jealousyAll of us go through spells of insecurity at the beginning of the relationship, but don't translate that insecurity into jealousy. If you are going through your partner's mail and cupboard, and eavesdropping on conversations, you know something is wrong - with you!!! Jealousy is like a poison that slowly spreads through the relationship before finally killing it. Trust your partner; love has to have trust in it.
9. Keep your commitments to each otherIf your partner is standing you up all the time and cancelling dates and breaking promises, you need to talk! If you are in a relationship, make your partner your priority and don't disappoint them if you can help it. It's really terrible when someone promises to take you to dinner, and then calls to cancel it. Don't make promises you can't keep. If your partner starts to feel that he/she is not important enough to you, you may just lose him/her.
10. Be honestHonesty is not scowling at how awful she looks first thing in the morning, or telling him that he has the biceps of a fly! When we say "be honest", we mean expressing your feelings clearly, not being bitingly cruel. When you are hurt, say so, and when you are angry, tell him/her, without getting hysterical. If you can't be honest with your partner, who can you be honest with? Love is also about honesty, and a relationship when no honesty exists probably isn't worth it!
Still feeling very vexed over with the choice of rims color to match my white beauty!
Any comments?


Black looks nice too!
Some VIP interior styling pics for u guys to drool over~

this is the super comfy looking Garson seat covers that cost like $1.8K/ pair

Just ignore the people in the photo... The attention should be on the roof! Super chio CAN!!!
and the white colored bling bling JP mirror! AWW MAN!!
I think the table is abit kua zhang. LOL.
Everything cocked up yesterday morning. All thanks to my Sales Manager... Dont know, dont anyhow say!! Clever can already, don ACT CLEVER!!!
Talked to the procurment officer from Yokogawa and understand that comments on us are pretty negative! Hais. But hopefully the procurement officer can help me put in some good words and they'll come for a 2nd auditing.
Complaint to my boss on the way my sales manager did the presentation and their feedbacks. Boss immediately asked all the department head to meeting room. LOL.
This customer is important to us lor... Cant afford to lose them. Sighs.
On a happier note, went to Soh Brothers Tyres with Ah Nai yest to see rims and tyres. Think i've secured a pretty good deal. hehe. shall drive down straight when i collect my car to change rims!! Cant wait!!
Tmr 4pm is the results of the bidding of my car registration no.! Hope I can get it!!!
Looking forward to company cruise trip on 7th Dec!! Saw the invoice from the cruise company just now, total bill is $35,500... o.O
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Some updates over the past weekend...
Fri (9/11)
Knock off, rush to Alexandra Village to exchange my rims and tyres with Pat, then headed home to prepare and go to TTSH to visit Bun's dad. He was admitted to Hospital due to stroke in the morning.. When I was about to go out, Bun called saying no need to come le, he going home.. So did not go to hospital.. Waited for Bun to come home.. While waiting, Mau called and off we went to WCM to meet Ken and Jon and went for number ball... Hehe..
Sat (10/11)
Went to work to do the last packing.. Reached home, my Dad's first sentence was... Wah.. so nice of u to rush home to help me paint.. LOL... I was like... -.-" and i went in to my room and sleep... haha... woke up at 4 plus then rush to hospital to visit Bun's dad.. after which, went for dinner at Kovan with Rich and bren then to Bun's house to play mahjong.. LOL.. slept overnight at his house..
Sun (11/11)
Went for Breakfast at Kovan again with Bun.. then bun send me home and help my dad paint the house... I painted for a while then I went to sleep again.. Bo bian la.. too tired due to the shifting..
My first BIG customer Yokogawa is coming at 9am to do auditing!!! SCARED la!!! 10 more mins and they will be here...
There are so many things im anticipating!!
1) My carplate bidding results
2) My car
3) Our wedding
4) My 3 weeks leave starting from 2nd week of dec to 1st week of Jan!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Im feeling a tinge of sadness.
Handed my beloved 9104 over to William's Auto for export. Which means, i wont get to see 9104 on the road in Singapore anymore. I didnt expect i'll feel sad that he is leaving me, but I cant help but feel grumpy, sad when I handed my car over. Felt so lost without 9104.. =(
Goodbye my beloved and thank you for serving me well over the past 19 months.
Currently driving a stupid, ugly Hyundai car. SUCKS lor. so small, so noisy. machiam van like that! grrr.
Received a sales agreement form from Kah Motor yesterday. Delivery of car is Jan/ Feb 2008!!!
FOOK LA! How long more am i going to drive this stupid car!!! BTH.
Its the time of the month and im feeling very grumpy.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The past 5 days was packing and packing, sealing and sealing, carrying and carrying, climbing and climbing... From old office to new office, pack; unpack... 1 word.. SHACK but fun though cos while we were moving, we played ard as well... LOL.
one of the case which i find it funny even when i think of it now! LOL. its the game called Saddist. HAHA! as you see, each of us have a built in cabinet each... and XW's one was beside mine. while we were packing our files, i suddenly thought of it. Our conversation:
ME: cockroach, we play la, sissors paper stone, who lose put the finger in between the doors of the 2 cabinet and the winner will slam the door.
XW: LAI LA!! who scared who.
ME & XW: Sissors paper stone!
XW: Nabei... *choosing which finger to put in*
: knn la, last finger too brittle, 4th finger need to get married, middle finger need to point pple, k la, index finger... *puts his index finger in*
*I slammed the door against his fingers
XW: OWWWWW!!!!!! NABEI LA!!!! *jumping around*
ME: HahAHAaa * Runs away..
XW: Lai hor, faster, we play again!
ME: i dont wan to play liao.
XW: KNN la...
*still laughing like mad...
XW: come la, we play la. 3 stages, see who can tahan longer. 1st stage is put the finger at the cabinet there... 2nd stage is put the toe under the table and lift the table up and *woohoo! 3rd stage is go to our production and lift the machine up and bang on our toes...
ME: knn la, saddist leh u. See who go hospital first isit?
ok, i know we abit siao. but we need to entertain ourselves during the boring process of shifting mah...
Bun's dad got into the hospital yesterday morning, first stage tests shows that he got stroke.. sigh.. our marriage is so near le... if is dad's case is serious, we may need to defer our banquet le...
Today is sat leh!! and im in the office!!!
Its been so long since i woke up at 6 plus to go work on Sats le..
With a blink of eye, i've been working here for 1 yr...
and this month's 26th is my BB boy's 1 yr anniversary.. Hope i can get the carplate.. And to serve as a memory and a promise to him. =) Im still missing u darling..
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
List of items SOLD for my beloved 9104~
HKS exhaust - $480 (Bought for $800)
TEIN lowering springs - $180 (Bought for $320)
Euro Tail Light - $80 (Bought for $60!)
Strut Bar - $50 (Bought for $50)
Mugen Side Skirts - $50 (Bought for $50)
Under consideration by buyers:
INGS Bodykit - $150 (Bought for $280)
15" Bronze Rims + Tyres - $200 (Bought for $700+)
Sat was Car Showroom day!! LOL.
Went to Kah Motor with Dad and Mum.. But the SE wasnt too sincere and Dad dont like his face and so we headed to William Auto.. Dad's fren workshop.. And we booked the 1.8(A) in white, with bidded car plate SJB 1313 L!! Woohoo!! Shipment should be around early Jan..
Asked Ah Nai to post my Dekit sales for me.. Wah lau, those hungry modders bombed my phone with SMS sia.. My items all SOLD within a day!! LOL. except for my rims.. Poor thing.. See if anyone wants, else it will just go with the car exported to 3rd world country.. Good bye 9104!! Hello 1313!! LOL. Paid 1.2K for the car plate.. Hope i will get it.. *prays hard*
Tmr will be a busy day as I need to go to William Auto to dekit and the buyers will come collect it.. Shack~~
While i was surfing Civic forum just now, saw Jonathon's posting too and realised he just bought a FD2 (M)! LOL. and he bought white too!! Cool lor. Can mod together le.. LOL. WestSIDERS have got 2 white FDs and 1 white Type R!! SHUAI la. Hope my car can make it on time for my wedding!!
Happy happy happy~~~
My uncle just called me saying his car is ready for collection. LOL. ask me go fetch him and collect car @ Kah Motor. LOL.
Shun Bian redeem my $200 "voucher" from him. LOL. cos ever since he got his license, he has been driving my car and he damaged my sideskirts and my front bumper. HAHA. so he offered to pay for it. Shiok right. HAHAAA.. Finally can send my car for respray.. LOL. my front bumper crack and all le. Haaa..
Shun bian check with his SE for trade in of my car for Civic. See whats the price and shipment time like. Haha...
KTV tonight! Throat itching to sing le.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Went to Lot 1 last night with Bun supposingly wanted to buy a 2008 Planner & a big big notebook for our future expenses and calculations. But damn la, there's a couple inside Popular kissing and hugging at the notebook session. Bloody hell, its a bookshop leh! There are kids all around u know? No brain isit? BTH, so we left without buying. Instead we bought a bolster and a pillow from a Hourly Offer from BHG (used to be known as Seiyu).
TOnight is Steamboat at beach road with my funky colleagues ! Looking forward!
Tmr will be SHC monthly meet up @ Kallang Mac. Will drop by a while then i will head to Chinatown for KTV with Rich & Bren ! Keke.. Shall Update again hor! Bye bye!