Monday, December 31, 2007
4 more days to my BIG day! kinda scared, stressed, anxious... U name it, i got it. =P
Most of the stuffs settled already. New bed expected today and has arrived at Bun's house.
The feeling of staying with in-laws totally dread me out. sighs. imagine me having to wash my clothes myself, staying with a super old fashioned in laws. big SIGHS.
Just sian la. I cant bear to leave my dearest Daddy and Mummy. I love my house!
On a happier note, my car will be able to make it for my wedding. So it is either collection on Thurs, latest Friday!
So guys, 1313 is the number to bet on Sat night! HAHA!
Very tired these few days. Rushing up and down. Today finally get to slp in till 12 noon. But still it wasnt a willingly wake up . Got woke up by my dear colleague, Mr. Cockroach.
Yesterday was Escape early in the morning at 11am till 2 plus. Had lunch at Burger King with Rich & Bren. Then the guys went for basketball and we girls met up with the jie meis for the final discussion! Yeap!
Full attendance this time round. Kailing, Irene, Joan, Christine, Brenda, Miao Pei, Wanting & Hui Yi.
Everything has been settled.
Hope we get full attendance that day!
Tmr got to head down to Hotel with Kailing & Zhong Yi - our emcees.
After which, maybe shopping at Bugis with the ladies for their dresses.
2/1/08 will be collection of documents at ROM and afternoon will be collection of gowns and all at Bridal shop..
1 more week and yes, we can end this thing!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Seems that things turned out pretty good.
Eric from Volans Coulture agreed to just pay the balance $ to him ONLY! =)
Of course, + the $250 which myself wants to change the evening gown to theirs!
Yesterday pretty rush for me and Bun.
In the late afternoon, we rushed to ECP to pass invitation card to my poly fren who is working there.
After which, we headed to bridal shop to collect the ribbons for my convoy cars.
Over at Volans Coulture, I saw Serene from FJC, Fit Jazz Club. So qiao lor! She's getting married on the 2nd Jan 08 and she was there to do her final fitting.
Headed home for dinner and waited for Han Ling, my sec sch mate to come my house and pick up the invitation card. Will be inviting her and her mum. So funny lor, her mum wants to dress up chio chio come my wedding dinner. haa. machiam my mum like tt.
after she came and pick up, Bun and me headed to WCM to distribute the ribbons. But we got to leave at 9.30pm cos we meeting Rich & Bren for MJ. hehe.
Today is our Guo Da Li (Betrothal Process 纳彩, 下娉 or 过大礼)
Formal Betrothal process actually starts when the parents of both sides start to go into serious discussions to determine the required Betrothal gifts 娉礼, the amount for the Bride’s Dowry 娉金, how many dinner tables to be given and what is needed for the Return of Gifts 回礼. Finally, they would ask for the Fortune Teller or Feng Shui Masters to select auspicious dates for Betrothal and Wedding ceremony.
Some of the traditions are being replaced with the Ang Pow to represent the particular item needed in order to fulfill the customary wedding process.
Some of the items that are being replaced with Ang Pows include:
~ A pair of Sugar Canes
~ A pair of Chicken – One Rooster and One hen
~ A pair of Pork Trotters – Front leg
Most common Betrothal Gifts still applicable nowadays and according to different Dialect Groups include:
Applicable to most Dialect Groups:
Cakes with Cream Toppings come in small square pieces and mostly eight to ten pieces in a box (depending on how many boxes are being requested by the bride’s family)
Two bottles of hard liquor
Oranges – in even numbers
Canned pork legs – in even numbers
Two pairs of dragon and phoenix candles 龙凤烛,
Bride’s Dowry 娉金; wrapped in Red Cloth or slotted into Red Packet
~ Chinese baked Cakes (Big Biscuit)
~ Packets of Rice Candies
And so, my Grandma only asked for :
Bride’s Dowry 娉金; wrapped in Red Cloth or slotted into Red Packet
Two bottles of hard liquor
Oranges – in even numbers
Canned pork legs – in even numbers
Two pairs of dragon and phoenix candles 龙凤烛,
30 boxes of cakes
Simplified right? hehe. =)
Our auspicious hours is from 1pm - 3pm. Bunny will reach at 1pm and after that, my parents got to go distribute all the cakes! Hope I don need to join~
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Some updates...
24th Dec
Xmas eve. Nothing special. Went to Joan's place to do up my video montage. Headed home and sleep as next day need to wake up early to buy bed.
25th Dec
Went back to pick Bun's mum up and we went to source for new bed. Bun send me home after that and he went to meet Rich and Bren while I went shopping with my family. We went to Causeway Point then to Bishan then to Peoples Park OG then to AMK for crabs again to celebrate Mum's birthday. Lots of loots bought from shopping! There's sales everywhere! SHIOK! LOL.
26th Dec
Mum's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!Met up with Joan & Kailing to buy the stuffs for gate crashing games. HEHE. cannot write here what we bought cos sometimes Bun will read. =)All right, GTG. Going to Saloon with K-ling & my Bro. Bye~
Monday, December 24, 2007
Some pictures for you to drool over !
Credits to Kelvin Wang, a fellow SHC mate! Cheerios! Thanks alot, if you see this! =)
The shots wasnt fantastic but the editing skills were!
In my 22 years and 5 months of life, I went through ups & downs.
Everytime I meet something BAD, I would curse & swear things like "WHY AM I SO SWAY?! WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!"
But thinking back, hey, u r not the worst one out there. How back can you be compared to people in those third world countries?
And what kind of BAD issues can you meet? Chances are things like
OH, you WANT to buy this and you dont have money to buy it!
OH, you WANT to go there but no one is free to accompany you!
OH, this fella talks SHIT about you !
Ya, you know, small little issues like this.
Seriously, as compared to many many pple out there, I think I'm very fortunate.
That day, a friend was telling me.
Hey Yvonne, you are like 22 only and you have got a MAN, a CAR, a CAREER, a HOUSE and soon, a FAMILY of your own. Isn't your life BEAUTIFUL?
I think back and thought, Hey man, if you didnt mention these, I wouldnt have felt that my life is beautiful and that it is going to get better!
My colleagues always say that I'm a spoilt brat. LOL. But I take that as a praise. =)
They always say that whatever I want, I must get it. But hey, I find that this character is strong in a sense especially in the working society that I MUST GET IT, NEVER SAY DIE attitude. Well, I guess that's what my boss likes about me. HAHA! *=P
Ok, back to the topic.
In my life, I always meet GUI REN when I need help most.
Most of the time, my GUI REN is my DADDY!
He always lend a helping hand without me asking for help. He will always be the FIRST one to help me settle my problems. Usually financially. LOL.
Especially at this time, the bridal shop cocked up my WHOLE marriage thing and I got to asked a new bridal shop to get my gowns and photos retaken. SIGHS.
Enough said, you guys should know how he helped me right? LOL.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Ever since I started my long leave, I'm very busy.
Sighs. 2 more weeks to my big day. Something big cropped up and I dont wish to elaborate it as i'm very tired already. Sighs. I hope everything will move smoothly.
Went out to meet my poly mates, then night time was MJ with Rich & Bren. Played till about 1plus and Bun & me went for Supper at Geylang. =) "Tian Ji Zhou" for us.
I fell sick. Having bad stomach cramp and fever. Slept for the whole day till evening 7 plus then I wake up.
Extremely busy day.
9.30am went to JB with Des & Stanley. Shopped around till 4 plus in the afternoon and we headed home, reached home at about 5pm, put my stuffs and went to Bridal Shop. Got a really "GREAT" news from them which I'm to tired to say already. After bridal shop, went for dinner with parents and off to West Coast Mac to meet SHC peeps to discuss the wedding convoy.
Yest's turn out was great.. Let me see...
We have...
Ken - Civic Type R
Jonathon - Civic 2.0
Pat - City
Dave - City
Mau - City
Antonnius - EH
Gabriel - Fit
Edmund - EH
Peter - Civic 1.8
Ben - WRX
Thanks Joan, Irene & Zhu Zhu for coming by yesterday to help me do the final briefing!
All the above are the cars who will turn up to follow the bridal car for the whole day! Cool right?
Kai Kai!! When will you be back? We need to go to the Hotel already leh!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Bought my PSP @ Sim Lim with Bun, Rich & Bren.
We bought the PINK one and they bought the PURPLE one. =)
Aftermath was Jalan Besar Mac for a PSP session. LOL.
Bun & Rich played the tennis together and they were like same kids lor, trying to say words to pull pple down. LOL
Met Up with my Poly Mates, Eileen, Chen Yang & Wee Pin to pass them the red bomb. Went to Change Alley to meet them & I park my car at Clifford Centre. SPent about 1 hour and 15 mins there & the parking fee is $5.10!!! Really cannot park. KNN.
As Eileen still have to work, me, CY & WP went back to Ngee Ann Poly to play. LOL. Went there to drink Bubble Tea & walk around. Really changed alot, with more decorations & some renovations. Walked around the school and kept thinking back about how we used to play around the school. Missed those days!~
Photos will be up soon as my laptop is lagging me! awww... how i miss my office computer! =(
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Starhub tua me to HOLLAND yesterday lor.
I'm going to write a complain letter to them ! Hmph !
Went to Westmall Starhub after work yesterday with Bun. Told me no stock for E65 and so they check for me whether woodlands have or not.
Checked and Woodlands have the red E65 that I want.
And so, we went home for dinner & headed to woodlands at about 8pm in hope to rush home by 9pm to catch the show.
Reached woodlands and they have the red E65
BUTthe phone is full of scratches. looks so damn bloody old.
and so that lady called hougang to check for me. Apparently they said Hougang have the stock.
That bitch did not even bother to apologise for that. I rushed down and this is all I got. NABEI.
Reached Hougang at 9pm and luckily they have brand new ones.
and so, I finally got it. =)
Dad called me just before lunch saying my car has touched the shores of Singapore. Yuppie!
SHOULD be able to make it for my wedding!
Damn happy can~ LOL
Me with Captain of Star Virgo
People call us D.X.Y

Act Cool.

I think this is the helicoptor landing area..

Funny pose again~

My fav. man onboard


Monday, December 17, 2007
Yeah yeah yeah~
I'll be getting my PINK PSP this week !!!!
And I'll downgrade to Nokia E65 cos I see no purpose in me using a N95 when I have a 8.1 megapixels camera and a PSP! MUAHAHAHAH~
I was like BLAH when I knew the value of N95 dropped to $350 when sold to dealer! So I quickly post online and I managed to sold for $500. LOL. As Bun's contract is up, so we decided to upgrade his line. Hehe.
Sold our PS2 as well cos we've got a PSP now! =)
Hehe~ Happy Happy Happy~
Me & Bun came to realise that no matter how much we pay for a high end phone, we will end up losing so much. So might as well use a ordinary phone. Hehe.
Nothing much, slept at 7plus @ night. LOL. Bun woke me up @ 11pm to go eat supper @ Tamah Jurong Fishball Noodles. As usual, 2 bowls of noodles + 1 laksa for both of us... Hehe..
Woke up damn early @ 7 plus. Headed for Facial @ Northpoint at about 9.30am... 2 hours of facial... Shack. Parking fee is whopping $3.50 ! Reached home, had my lunch and headed to my bridal shop to settle my mum's evening gown. LOL. Mum very fussy la, say she don’t like the previous one, so wanna change. Haa...
After bridal shop, its Jurong Point for shopping. Bought my camera and Mum said she wants a set of track pants & top for her Yoga lesson starting next week. Since her birthday is this month, I offered to pay for her... She bought the Elle pants + polo t for close to $100 ! Haha... Dad bought a basketball shoes for my bro who said he wanted to start BB again...
After which, we went to Chin Bee for my family's favourite Curry Fish Head on Dad's tab. Hee... Recently my parents are going crazy over Bubble Tea!~ LOL. We headed to Bukit Batok to buy donno wad aloe vera bubble tea la. Seeing both of them drink like kids like that... Haha...
At night was basketball for Bun & my bro.
Woke up very early at 8 plus, bug Bun to wake up and got scolded by him. =(
Asked me if don’t want to wake up early, don sleep early… LOL.
We headed to Shunfu road at Sin Ming for our breakfast… Headed to UBI to see the seats but not opened yet. So we headed to his house and started scrapping the door. Due to our inexperience, we spoil the door with the lousy painting skills. Spent 4 hours + scrapping off the paint lor! By the end of it, we were like SHACK and swear not to anyhow paint le. HAHA.
Headed home for dinner and Bun went for Billiard with Richmond.
Yeap yeap, its Monday. I’ll be on leave from Wednesday onwards! Will be meeting my poly mates on Wed for the red bomb, Thurs will be going to distribute red bomb for Bun’s relatives, Fri will be going to JB with Desmond to shop and meet the SHC peeps at night to discuss the convoy and Sat will be meeting the bros & sisters for the final discussion!
Busy busy busy for the next few weeks…
Hope 5th Jan can come soon and we can end this thing! Sighs. Very tiring~
Hope everything goes smoothly~
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Yeah! I'm so happy~ Bought myself a
PINK camera! 8.1 Megapixels! The pictures are so sharp & clear! =)
Next on the list will be a
Muahaha~~ I'm a happy woman!
Not only that I got myself a X'mas present, but also because I only paid $90 bucks for this camera! I've got a $309 voucher from Harvey Norman! MUAHAHAHA~
too bad that they dont sell PSP else i'll get PSP first! Hehe.

Just got back home from a 2 hours facial.
Sighs. I hate facial but woman are cheap. Knowing its pain, but to look nice, we still go for it!
What to do? LOL
My whole face now is super red and swollen~ Got to wear a cap when I go out later le.. Haa! No face to see people..
Friday, December 14, 2007
Went for crabs at Ben's place. The famous AMK crab store~ =)
Luckily I know him, else the queue is like scary lor...
Test drive his Subaru WRX in which he claimed has 303 horsepower now..
Pretty scary la, but the sound of vrooommm... Psst... is SHIOK! Thats wad turbo car are capable of... LOL.
His I.C.E is damn irritating la. BOOM BOOM BOOM! Knn. But the soundstream I.C.E is really chio lor. Especially the tweeters...
Overall, nice car la... Its a wrx after all...

I will be getting the stuffs from this guy driving this FD1 (A).
As he is going overseas for his work, he will be dekitting his ride! Love his rims exceptionally~
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Sighs. Jonathon will be collecting his car on the 15th Dec. BLOODY HELL~ I shld have booked a FD2 instead! Sighs.
I really cant wait to drive and listen to music in peace and enjoy the process of modifications! I just love it man!
Sigh Sigh Sigh.
On a happier note, we(Daniel, Xiwei, Desmond, Calista, Mersure & me) will be going to eat crabs at AMK tmr!
I love crabs~
Mr. & Mrs Bun went for steamboat at "Zheng Zhong Cong Qing Huo Guo" @ Bugis area (Opp Shaw Tower). =)
Having a pot of steamboat right infront of you in a cold weather is just SHIOK. pure enjoyment =)
We chatted thru the steamboat dinner, talked about our marriage, our future and blah blah blah. Nice to have 二人世界 sometimes also. hehe.
After that we walked back to Shaw Tower where we parked our car, hand in hand.. HEHE.
I enjoy these kind of simple life pleasures.
This weekend got to bring Mr. Bun to go and see the sports seats. Scared it might be too tight for him. LOL. he has got big and sexy butt~ Haha.
Ok.. Lost the momentum to blog already. Ciaoz~
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Went shopping this afternoon at Paya Ubi Industrial Estate. Muahahaha~ I love to go there!
Whatever you need to buy for your car, you can easily get it there and also do a price comparison!
Went to look for SSCUS sports seat.
I am pretty satisfied with the price! =)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Our scavenger hunt - We won! =)
Ok.. I know you guys cant see me in the pic...
Night view of swimming pool
View from my cabin..
Us before departure..

Camwhoring before departure..
Going for private jacuzzi with aqua water!~
BBQ Dinner - 2nd night
Who is this ? Someone from Mr. Bean's cartoon.
Me with my fav QC operator - Xiao Zhu~

We simply love the lift's mirror


Playing around~

Full team

I LOVE THIS SHOT! Very cool right?~
I only have 2 photos on hand now as the rest of the photos not uploaded yet~
First Night's Dinner - Western Food

Peeps Standing(From Left - Right): Taira - San, Patricia, Xiwei, Chin, Sky
Peeps Sitting (From Left - Right): Calista, Me, Mersure, Daniel, Desmond
Thats me, Mersure, Daniel & Xiwei
Private Function onboard.
Games + Lucky Draw + Drinks + Speech
Speech by MD - Nomura- San
We still have tons of photos not uploaded yet, will upload soon once I get my hands on it!~
BUDBYE~~ *waves franticallyI'm off for 3D2N cruise~~ Missing my Bun, Baby, Lulu, Xiao Huai Dan, Lui Lui & Ah Orh~~~ Muacks! See you all on Sunday~
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Dad is off to KL again. Mum was out for KTV last night.
Bun, my bro and me are HOME ALONE again.
Buy own dinner, clean up my dogs space, wash up after eating, off all the lights b4 sleeping and the list goes on.
Sometimes I cant help thinking that my Mum is so 伟大. Its not that she dont need to work in the day. She has to rush home to cook dinner for all of us, wash up after dinner, go bath and by the time she is free, it is already 8+ pm. She has to key in her order every night which will take up about 30 mins and she is only left with an hour to sit down and relax.
Every month, my Dad has to drive up to KL for about a week to oversee the operations over there. But this trip is rather special cos he has to give out the invitation cards! LOL.
He said his colleagues over @ KL wants to come over to celebrate this happy event together.
Can see that he is very proud la. Tts the result of having children early lor. They get to enjoy la.
About 4 more weeks of suffering for my Mum. Haha. She said she wont be cooking at home once I move out le. I guess it is only right she takes a break. =) A long break to be exact.
I bought some clothes on Yahoo Auctions and the 7 dresses should reach me yesterday or LATEST today BUT ...
Thats the result for relying on your parents for EVERYTHING!
BAHH. Letterbox keys is always with Dad and HE IS OUTSTATIONED!
Sighs, Cant wear the dress for my company D&D le.
Damn sad la.
*pardon me. CHEEBYE!
Blame who? Urself lor. Who ask u to forget to ask the keys from him huh!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Jonathon just called me to say his SE called him to inform him that his car has arrived. Now waiting to do the paperwork.
I called my SE but he said...
BAAAHHHH!!!why so unfair? He booked on 4th Nov and I booked on 3rd Nov. It should be the same shipment mah!!! SOBS.I really hope my car can make it on time for my wedding leh!!With my super nice carplate. Should be CHIO one LOR~
Bugged Mum on Monday to cook prawn noodles on Tues!~ LOL.
In order for her to cook, i must 打铁趁热. and so i quickly told her I'll be going to Sheng Shiong, and ask her if she needs help to buy prawns & stuffs.
Sometimes I find that I'm PRO.
And yes!
She cooked prawn noodles yesterday! I simply love the soup she cooked. Really tasty with all the 好料 and so the taste of the soup is just superb ! *yummy~
I ate 2 bowls at 1 shot! LOL.
Mum woke up at the same time as me this morning to cook another bowl for me to eat as I told her I want to eat another bowl before I go to work this morning!
Soup taste even better overnight!
Still thinking of the prawn noodles now..
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I have just finished distributing the invitation cards for my colleagues and something very interesting happened. LOL.
Cant stop laughing when I think of it... =D
ME: *Handed over the card to my boss
JAMES: *STUNNED FACE, stared at the card.
*after 10 seconds...
JAMES: Ohhhh... I thought its the White envelope..
ME: LOL.. No la.. Haven get bonus leh~ haaa...
JAMES: I've not receive any red bomb for a long time already... Haha.. U know la, my age, my frens all married le..
ME: haa..
No worries la Boss, I wont leave Decal yet. Still have not get my Bonus and my big customer in yet~ LOL. but make sure u raise my pay ! =)
Its been a fast weekend. 4 more days to Cruise, 2 more weeks to my long leave and 5 more weeks to my wedding!
Fri (30/11)
Went for SHC meet-up as usual. Talked a little about our wedding convoy, talked more on modifications for my FD. LOL.
Meet up was great because there were 2 Civic Type R. 1 is the one from P.I which is Ken's and the other one is from Kah Motor, Hatchback one.
After seeing both in real, I think Ken's one is nicer! Especially in Champion White! WooHoo! The white rims + brembo brakes excites me man~ LOL. Sat in his Type R, pretty lookalike to FD, no wonder there are so many cheapo lookalikes in SGP.
Sat (1/12)
My customer woke me up @ 9.10am in the morning saying she needs the labels urgently. I was like.. Huh?! Today Sat leh, im not working, delivery man not working... Cannot la, im still sleeping...
My customer keep on pursuading me to deliver for her..
No choice, she gave me good sales figure, i think thats the least I can do bah, helping her now and she'll help u in the future.
And so, I woke up, bath and hurried off to office to get the goods and rush to her office.. Reach home and I slept again. Too tired le. Woke up at 4+ in the afternoon and headed to Bun's place to slack and off we went to Richmond's birthday chalet @ Coasta Sands. Pretty bad turn out at first but about 10 plus, pple start coming. Bun and me took this chance to distribute our wedding cards! =)
And since the bros & sis were there, shun bian discussed about the wedding stuffs and all. The bros wanted to have a common color and after much discussion we settled with white shirt with stripes. No preference for the stripes color, so its up to individual.
Left the chalet at 1+am. Stopped by road block near my place here. LOL. see our stupid car, the TP wont be keen to stop us one la. LOL.
Sun (2/12)
Bun bugged me for billiard again and so we went Queenstown for 4 games.
After which, we went to Bugis with Bun Bun. Shopped around the WHOLE freaking Bugis. Actually I had in mind to buy some dress, heels, skinny jeans and polo ts. Dont know why nothing caught my eye. Sighs. I desprately need to go for another Bangkok spree le!
Left Bugis and we went to Jurong West to cut hair. then walked around that area still hoping to find heels but still not to avail.
Im really getting anxious! 5 more weeks only~ Wish me luck bah! =)