Friday, February 29, 2008
Bangkok trip confirmed already. 9th - 13th May 2008.
Looking forward to it as its considered our "Honeymoon". Bun is pretty excited this time round bcos he can go buy stuffs for our car. haha.
Mum called me the other day and our conversation:
Mum: " Shan ah, we going to New Zealand for Holiday."
ME: "Orh, when?"
Mum: "June lor. Can do some research for me or not?"
ME: "Do what research? "
Mum: "Ahh.. I also donno leh. Just check la, where fun to play, stay what hotel, what season it is?"
ME: "Ok.. U all F&E ah? Drive car there ah?"
Mum: " No la, go by tour. "
ME: ".... then check wad? the tour agency will arrange for u mah.."
Mum: " Aiyah, u just check la."
I AM SO JEALOUS LA! I wan to got there also ! SOBS! only both of them are going. Even my bro is not going~ I heard they r going for 10days or more. zZzzz..
Actually I am happy for them also la, they can enjoy life after slogging thru their young days.. So.. I am most willing to take care of the house should they go for more long trips~
My bro will be having his Traffic Police Test on the 4th of March. I told him if he pass his license, I will lend him my car when I go BKK. haha. If he pass this time round ah, June he can drive Dad's/ Mum's car to school also lor and every month he gets to drive car to sch for 1 week as Dad will go to KL for work purposes every month for 1 full week.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
MY DREAMEveryone have a dream. Actually, the intention of me blogging this post is to remind myself that my dream of my job scope is actually in the F&B line. Hey, wake up Yvonne. Do u remember how much you wanted to work in big F&B companies like F&N, APB, Auric Pacific or even Diethlem?
Since young, I am exposed to F&B trade. I remember clearly when I was young, my Mum started working as Merchandiser. I followed her to work as she needs to service supermarket outlets. I love going to work with her because I get to go to all the shopping centres & supermarkets. I enjoy her kind of work bcos its freedom, own time own target - as in the faster u finish, the faster u can knock off. I love it.
After poly, I had my first job as Pest Control sales. YUCKS. the job scope sucks although u can go home after you punch card, but theres no sense of satisfaction! You dont achieve anything at all !
And so, F&N happened to have job opening for Area Sales & Vending Sales.
Vending Sales - Drives Car, Higher Pay, Diploma
Area Sales - Drives Van, bring home about 3K, 'O' Levels
I applied for Area Sales becos I am totally raw in this industry and I wanted to give myself some time to be exposed to this industry first.
I went for the first interview. It was a breeze. Passed that & I was called for the 2nd interview.
Both times the interviewer asked me if I want to apply for Vending Sales. I rejected them.
SIGHS. and they never call already la ~
Now, I am given the opportunity again. As you all know, I am on pretty good terms with the lady from marketing side. I stand a better chance now with good sales track records and furthermore, F&N is my customer !
But I would like Bun to go for the interview first and get the lady to intro him in first as I dont want him to continue working at his present company with miserable pay, miserable benefits and miserable PEOPLE!
Should I try? Hmm.. I am scared actually cos I am in my comfort zone now in my present company and I've good colleagues. But then, there isnt any prospect here. Maybe yes, in 10 or 20 yrs down the road...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Bun's tattoo. Nice notz?
God bless yvonne..
Baby boy bless mummy...
Bun & I went to Fong Kim after work to install our Fujitsubo full catback exhaust system for $1283.
we went to Fong Kim because of its reputation & its good service which I've encountered before while driving my Honda Fit. They always take good care of your car while driving up the slope infront of their shop.
But yest, I was very disappointed. The father drove my car and he slammed on the accelerator while going up the slope and PAH! kena. WTF.
At the moment I heard the PAH! my heart feels like he used a knife and stabbed in real hard. KNN.
LIM PEI DRIVE UP SLOPE ALSO DON DARE TO SLAM ON ACCELERATOR AND U DARE TO !the moment he got off the car, he kept apologizing. SORRY GOT USE MEH? nabei.
Some updates for the weekend.
Friday (22/2)
Bun & I went to the tattoo shop at Hougang. As my design need time for the artist to customise, I had to wait a few days. So, Bun decided to have one at his ankle as well first.
Upon seeing him put his tattoo on his ankle. I decided against it. LOL. ok, im scared! LOL.
Sat (23/2)
Slept the whole day cos I was having mensus cramp. Very bad cramp.
I was very touched by my mother-in-law's actions. She saw me going in the toilet every 5 mins and when i was lying on the bed, she brought me a spoon of powdered medicine & lukewarm water. After drinking the medicine, Im still in great pain. So, my MIL brought some medicated oil and starting rubbing my stomach. I was like touched lor. lol. but the very highly touch scene got killed when she said:"wah, yvonne, u look skinny but u got alot of fats at ur stomach hor..."and i was like... -.-"Slept until about 3pm then rushed back home for my mum's lunch. yummy. then slept again as the cramp came shortly after i reached home. slept with LULU! hehe. miss her smell already.. haha..
Received a GREAT news from Joan! She found her Chucky boy! Wow, lucky her man. Chucky went missing on the day I got married and she found her a month plus later. LUCKY U! Glad tt ur bdae wish came true! =D
Slept all the way till night time and had curry fish head at home! hehe. stomach pain still eat curry right.. lol. but its too delicious to resist. after which, slept again.
Sunday (24/2)
Woke up, had my breakfast. slack at home and bun went for his bball while my family and I went to my Grandma house for her 73rd bdae celebration. Had steamboat and guess what, the steamboat went up the track when everyone sat down at the table for dinner. HAHA. damn funny la. then my parents went out to get another steamboat.
After which, dad sent me to Sunshine Place to look for Joan as she was there with her Chucky. Wanted to see how's Chucky already. Poor boy i tell ya, lower part of the body was infected with fungus. Left eye blinded.. Hais. sad to see a handsome boy bcum like tt... But still , I think its a blessing in disguise cos she actually found him back. =D
Monday, February 25, 2008
Cont'd for the benefit of Miss Eng, again..
th Jan 08
Cant believe that its TOMORROW!
Met my girls for last min preparation.
Joan & Irene came in the late afternoon after their
mani &
pedi.we headed over to
Sheng Shiong to grab some stuffs which I cant rem. Irene accidentally scratched her nails while eating and we walked over to
BPP to buy some nail arts to cover up. (Yes, i still
hav time to shop)
Zhu joined us shortly and they started doing the corset. Is that what we call?
lol. cant rem.
ard and prepare the ice/ lemon/
bittergourd etc etc till about 11pm and they left home to
slp. Miss Eng came at 11 plus and she started learning how to use the
videocam and finally she got down to her nails while I had my "
Shong Tau" (Cantonese) at 12am sharp. You know the "
yi shu,
shu dao wei" that kinda things..
My relatives came as well and all of us fell
th Jan 08
Woke up at 4am.. Really lucky Miss Eng
slpt with me. If I did not rem wrongly u woke me up a couple of times right?
lol. Woke up, bath and blow dry my hair.. Ate my breakfast and my
MUA arrived and started make up at about 6.15am. all the way till 7.30am.
SHCs and the bros all arrived at my house downstairs. 12 cars together & horn..
LOL. its loud one
haha. came up and they had their Open Gate Games.
LOL. Super funny while watching the video la.
LOL. see their expressions while eating ..
Started to serve tea to my parents. then left for
Hougang, served tea, then back to
Teck Whye.
Teck Whye and served tea again. Cut the roasted pig and back to
Hougang then to Hotel.
by the time we reach the Hotel its already 3 pm. Once I reached Hotel, "pang" onto the bed. My sisters started bathing one by one and finally its my turn to bath and prepare..
The scariest part is here.. The banquet. Cos we
dont know if everyone will turn up, whether enough tables or not.. Worries and worries but luckily, we've a bunch of cool people to help us ! Really lucky.
And so, the dinner went on smoothly...
Finally, its sending the guests off and the most anticipated part comes in! Whether your
ang bao is enough to cover
ur expenses or not!
wah, go up to hotel room, open up the
ang baos one by one.. take down who
bao how much..
Wah, luckily we have enough to cover.. No need to top up any cash at all.
FINALLY! Everything is over~~~~
now is remove my thick thick thick make up off! Super thick can ~
waraoz. remove already, fill the bathtub with water while bun pack up all the gowns & suits and I just lie in the bathtub...
Pure enjoyment.
Really. the feeling is
indescribable. U have to experience it urself.
That night, I had such a good night's slp. Really is slp tight tight and sweet dreams lor. LOL.
Thinking back now, its such a fun experience. lol.
Just let nature take its course.
俗语说的好。 船到桥头自然直。。。
Its been almost 2 months since my wedding.
I've decided to update about the process of my wedding for the benefits of those getting married soon, like my ai ren. LOL.
Lets start through the process of booking of Bridal package, Hotel, Cakes etc.
We started off with the booking of Hotels first. Looking at various hotels, we compared the prices & package they offer. Most importantly is whether the hotel charge corkage charge for the wine & liquor you bring in. NEVER EVER choose a hotel that charge corkage unless you have too much money to spend on a bottle of wine that will cost you at least 30 bucks.
Of course, calculate how much additional cash you have that allows you to pay up for the balance after deducting your ang bao.
Since we are at the ang bao issue, never ever calculate the best ang bao you can get. For me, to play safe, I calculated each ang bao at the rate of $40, $50 & $80. I'm sure you can do this simple calculation. For me, I think $40 is the worse you can ever get, hence if you are able to top up the remaining cash, you are very safe already cos Im sure you don wan to land urself in debts after you wedding right dude? Of cos, if everyone gives you $80 you are most safe.
My parents requested for 10 tables and the angbao from the 10 tables will be kept by them. Hence, your table cost x 10 tables = $ that you confirm have to fork out.
Next will be the bridal shop.
Remember to do your research well. Really, I learnt my lesson the hard way and we were really lucky that we manage to settle it. Dont rush into signing any package. Shortlist a few & then do your research on
Next will be the cakes for "guo da li"
Cakes may look cheap individually. but 40 boxes as requested by my parents dont come cheap together. Same, shortlist a few and compare on the looks and no. of pieces offered and of cos, the service; whether you have to do self - collection or they deliver.
Next on the list will be the buffet to serve.
Shortlist a few as well and do your research online. See what are the comments offered by the people who tried the buffet before. Of course, compare the package and the price to see if it is worth while to order from them.
Hmm.. Ok, I shall cont' when Im free on the actual day and the day before.
Friday, February 22, 2008
I am so excited !
I'm going to the tattoo shop tonight.
Hope to choose a nice alphabet 'B'. =)
still missing u darling boy...Dont know why, I am feeling kinda moody.
No mood for work as well. Been dragging myself to work !
But, I keep on telling myself I CANNOT think like this !
I think I will fail one of my resolutions for 2008
lor. Which is saving 12K this yr. But, I will still try to hit as close as possible.
Kept thinking about having baby. I tot I wont be in such a hurry to have one and let nature take its course. Easier said than done huh...
zzzI know I am worrying unduly but then, I am just afraid that there may be something wrong with my body cos I
dont think I've been taking good care of my body at all. I
dont take meat and I always eat instant noodles. Sighs.
That day, Bun accidentally kicked my stomach while lying on the bed watching TV and I flared my top. I told him if I have a baby and I
dont know about it, what will happen?
Yesterday my colleague asked me to deliver 2 cartons of goods and I scolded him, are you going to be responsible if I have a baby and I am not aware of it?
Dont tell me I am having menopause at 23 yrs old..
Sent Ah Kiu home yesterday and get the "da pao" from her. the super big bottle of XO i think. haha. Bun loves to save coins la.
And since I bought it home last night, he is so excited about it. and he has a milk bottle full of coins ma, then he took out the $1 and put in the "da pao" and then the rest of the coins, he xchanged it with his mum and the some of it bring it out to change. LOL.
he says when the "da pao" is full of $1 coin, he will downpay for evo or type r. -.-"
lol. tts my ah bun la. always full of funny funny ideas.
and he is so enthu about it that he brought some of his notes out hopefully can change to more $1 coins.
good luck bunny~
Thursday, February 21, 2008
YEAH! Finally we can go Bangkok once again! hehe.
Actually this is the 3rd consecutive year we are going to Bangkok!
Happy! This time round, we decided to stay at Baiyoke Sky Hotel. Bangkok's tallest Hotel !
For me, I'm not so particular about the flight but more on the Hotel. I dont mind paying more for the hotel which I am doing so cos Baiyoke Sky is a 4 star hotel. =D
For air tickets wise, we will be going for Tiger Airways.
Oh ya, this trip will be 5D4N. Departing on 6plus in the morning of 8th May and coming back 10plus at night on the 12th May! =D =D =D
I'll be bringing SGD$4000 there to spend. I dont want to have any restricitions in spending money there. Also, I will be bringing the Debit Card & Credit Card
just in case I use up my cash.
Bun was saying, siao ah, can you finish spending 4K in 5 days or not?
I think he looks down on a woman's spending power la. LOL.
Bangkok! Here I come!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I am trying to read up more on how to get pregnant
easily fast.
Apparently, my period is very very irregular.
We've been trying since 5th Jan 08. But no news leh!
I think I am going to get the book called "How to get pregnant for Dummies".
My purpose of early marriage is to have kids early! I am turning 23 already la! and its so late !!
The 1.8 poke the 1.6.. lol.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Super good mood.
Lao liang hit my sales target this month.
I would like to offer my most sincere hug & a BIG thank you to TT from F&N Coca Cola for give me Purchase Order worth 32K this month. And of course some other clients like my faithful --from Denka.
Although you scold me for delaying your quotation.. But I know you still love me right? =D
Good commission nx mth ! =D
-- stands for my customer's name. but u know, there may be some of my competitors ard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Went to TM just now with Ah Bun, yes again.
hehe. wah M)phosis having 50% storewide sales. Tried 8 pieces, ended up bought a dress & a top only. Went to Double Index, bought 2 pants and I got a free membership card sia. haha.
kk. go watch my TVB show liao. Buaiz
WestSIDERS BBQ Gathering
15th Feb 2008
Thats my ah bun. getting heaty liao. gulping mineral water.

View from Kai's condo.

Tts our super nice man Gabriel.

Laughing at dont know what?


and eating...

Dont know what's my face for? haha.

Nice gathering. Hope our upcoming chalet can be a success!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Presenting to you...
Abalone Duck Noodles with
lots of loves...
Boiling water in the new claypot to kill germs..
Bun bought veggies cos I love em' !
He started opening the abalone..

Pure abalone soup.

LOL. The end result - All shapes & sizes. Creative eh?

Taaa Daaa ~~
He covered the claypot & boil for another 2 mins ! LOL.

Yummy !

He refused to let me do anything. So I can only cam-whore.

My present from him! Like it !
My present for him! He loves red Ralph Lauren !

Thank you my sweetest Bun ~
This is the first time you have cooked for me and I really like it so so so much !
The food taste extremely great, not becos of the ingredients but bcos of the effort & love in it.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I am anticipating for tonight's program at home.
After a long journey together, finally you've come to your senses.
Can't wait.
I'll remember to take photo & I love the present ! =D
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Bun & I went to TM to shop again. LOL.
Yes, finally gotten myself a PDA phone. Got the o2 zinc cos it has got keypad which will enable me to SMS while driving; hopefully. =P

Tomorrow's company dinner will be at Lei's Garden at Orchard.
Same venue as 2007. Food there is pretty good la, but parking isnt. Though there's cheap valet parking but the slope & humps there is KILLER.
Looking forward to go home to eat dinner with my family tonight! I love to go home ! =D
Missing my LuLu especially~ hehe.
Ok. Nothing much to blog le. Bye~
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I just went to Hougang Mall with bun's niece - Joey.
She's on MC today hence we went shopping. LOL. Bought her to the arcade! Its been ages since i last stepped into one. Played all the kids games, quite fun actually. haha.
I stepped into Sports Link again and bought myself another NIKE tee. lol.
I have a fetish for Nike/ Adidas stuffs. Be it shoes, tees or bags.
<3 !
Waiting for Mr. Bun to come home, hopefully we still got time to shop!
2 more days to Valentine's Day!
I cant wait as I've prepared a Valentine's gift for Mr. Bun! HEHE.
But I know he'll be angry as he will be lonely for this year's V. Day cos I'll be having my company dinner on the 14th ! I guess we can only have a belated celebration only.
Sorry Bunny !
Its our 7th celebration together ! Though we are married already, that does not mean we cant celebrate V. Day anymore right? =P
Cos till date, my parents who have been married for 23 years still celebrates V. Day ! =D
Hve you got my present READY? haha.
Monday, February 11, 2008
My company has been very kind to give us 1 day leave for free and so we need not go back to work on 6th Feb and we knocked off at 1pm on 5th of Feb. Starting work on 13th Feb which is "Ren Ri".
I shall try to recap. I think my body clock is sort of out already ! lol.
5th Feb
Rushed home after work. Bun and I headed to TM for last minute shopping. Bought Nike Tee for myself & a Hush Puppies Polo T for my Daddy. Went home to slp. =D
6th Feb
Reunion Dinner ! Went to 3 places for reunion dinner. SHACK. Of course, i left my stomach empty for the best food at home ! hehe. after the final reunion dinner, Bun & I went home to slp as tmr got to reach my place early in the morning.
7th Feb
Woke up at 8am and started preparing. Left Bun's place at 9am and headed to my place to bai nian to my parents first. lol. so strange when my bro bai nian to Bun. "Jie Fu, gong xi fa cai"
all of us couldnt stop laughing cos my bro & bun always call each other shittt, lameeee. haha.
as usual, headed to my mum's side first then to my dad's side. played mahjong with my cousins till late evening and we went back home.
booked tickets for midnight show - Ah Long Pte Ltd. damn funny la. bth.
8th Feb
slack at home and went to bun's house to play mahjong with my dad, my mother-in-law, bun's brother-in-law and bun.
kns, lost to my dad. luckily i won yesterday.
played 5 rounds lor ! play till my back and shoulder ache.
aftermath was supper at Alameen with my dad & bun. introduced Milo Dinosaur to my dad and he's loving it. lol. kept on tellin mum tt he wants to bring her to drink.
9th Feb
Shopped at IMM. spent 200 over bucks there. lol. 60% was spent at Adidas. I bought 2 tees for myself and bun bought 2 pairs of flip flops for himself. the rest of the 40% was spent at Giant. Bought a new fan, some skin care stuffs and a super expensive cloth for the car @ $11.40!!
At night we went to fetch Zhang Rong, went for supper & headed to Sam's place for the usual gamble gathering. Stayed there till like 5am.
10th Feb
woke up by bun at 2pm and we headed to his colleague's place for the son's birthday bash. gamble as usual la. then we headed to Tampinies IKEA. bought some storage stuffs. had our dinner there. after which is home sweet home as Bun got to work today.
Today got to bring my 2 dogs to the vet for their injection and I bugged my Mum for prawn noodles! =D
Tmr got to go cut my hair & dye.
Wed start work, after work going home to "lao yu shen"
Thurs after work got company dinner.
Fri after work BBQ at Miss Eng's place.
Sat my uncle's housewarming~
i love CNY!
It was a busy & tiring weekends.
Friday 1st Feb
Rushed to Sungei Kadut to install my Crimestopper Alarm. By the time it was done, it was already 9.30pm ! BISH~ suppose to meet westsiders @ west coast mac & convoy to Kallang one.

It is the first Friday of Feb ! Meet up with the usual peeps from WestSIDERS & headed to Kallang for the SHC monthly mega meet up. As usual la, talk cock, sing song, see each other's car.. Aftermath was supper @ Dunman Food Centre.
Sat 2nd FebShopping day !
Went Bugis with my family & shop & shop. Finally settled Bun's new yr clothes !
In fact, he has got more than enough la. Bought 2 Nike tees & 2 Lacoste Polo tees, 2 berms, 1 pair of Nike Dunks, 2 boxes of new briefs & 3 pairs of Renoma socks for him. NEW ENOUGH BO? lol. Night time was meeting Rich & Bren at Jurong East to discuss the insurance thingy.
Sun 3rd FebWent back to Bugis again to xchange the Nike tee as its a little too tight for Bun. Didnt know I bought the slim cut one.
On the way to Bugis, I slept in the car. Bun woke me up when we reached.
On the way home, I slept in the car. Bun woke me up when we reached.
Reached home, I slept again.
On the way to Grandma House for Reunion Dinner, I slept in the car again.
On the way back home, I slept again.
Dont know why Im feeling so so so sleepy.
Well, had our early reunion dinner at grandma' house. nothing much to talk about. just as usual, catching up with our relatives and all la.
Gtg do delivery already.
Shall update again !
Next on my list is :
Ultra Racing Rear Anti - Roll Bar
Damage - $190 with installation
Purpose - For good grip when cornering.

Saturday, February 2, 2008
1 Feb 2008
WestSIDERS meet- up cum supper

this photo is super unglam !

staring at Sister. LOL

Thats our lao da - Ken & his Civic Type

i personally find Lewis's car very ugly.

This car is CHIO right. LOL