I had a FUN WEEKEND ! I love W E E K E N D S ! ~
Went to meet the peeps @ Alameen, but damn, bun & i went to the bt timah branch & end up we went down to the west coast one. la kopi there till 12 +am and home sweet home.
Met the peeps again for bf. met at my blk here and we went together to Jurong West for bf. after that was stan's place to slack then to Zen Sports to customise stickers then back to xian's place to paint caliper. after which, went to fetch bun and off we went to BB for car wash. stayed there for awhile & off home to take an hour's nap & headed to ben's place for crab. yummy. Dad said he wants to eat crab every last week of the month. lol. went home and watched 881, yes finally. almost fell asleep watching it. zzz.
met the peeps again at BB to wash my car and paint the rear brake caliper. bun, doing the cock-est thing of 2008. he reversed without looking at the rear mirrors & BANG ! knocked onto Jimmy's car. zzz. his customized bumper bo tai ji. but our bumper came out. zzz. sighs.
really cock. went home, took a nap, had dinner & back to hougang.
I think I am deeply poisoned by the peeps already lar. kns. go out with them hor, will get poisoned to install this, install that. lol. but then, its always good to know more car club frens. just like last friday i bought the mugen front grill & i went to check with workshops how much to install & i was quoted $40.
Searched thru my hp & called Alvin from SHC and he installed the front grill for me and all i paid was a cup of bubble tea for him ! LOL.
Went to Alvin (DFM) and tint my side indicators, bought the mugen emblem as well for our spoiler. Contemplating whether to check to INGS bodykit or not. lol.
While changing seats...

D.I.Y Brake Caliper Painting..

All u need is a small bottle of paint that cost $1.50.

There you go..

Rear Caliper as well...
Our car wash + weekly maintainence by Duragloss..

TGIF !Its the weekends again ~
Tonight is SHC meet the dogs session. LOL. we'll be bringing out dogs to WCM for la kopi. haa. Going to bring Lui Lui this time round cos he's more friendly la. haa.
Going to put Bun's house for sale already. it so happen that my IT guy is a approved property agent & he will help me put the house for sale & look for a newer 4 room flat.
My aim is EA/ EM. He explained alot about investment stuffs to me, how u shld earn ur money to buying ur first EA/EM. very cool la. learnt alot from him actually.
Will update once I have chosen a house, but then, it must be at North-East area. how i wish we can stay at Jurong or even better, CCK. but hard la.
sighs. i've missed my period for a few days liao. bun is like so happy asking me every now & then whether my period is here already. seems like he cant wait huh.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
i can't wait ! i am going home already ! =)
officially on half day leave. suppose to go HDB but then, the flats we shortlisted were taken up, so damn la, don waste my bloody time. heard that there's a BTO in May or June on executive hdb condo or something. hee. gotta try that.
just bought yogurt for the 4 naughty boys & girls.
cant wait to see them ~

I saw this picture on my poly bud's profile.
Laugh till I pengz.
Went with the colleagues for Steamboat at Beach Road then to Partyworld for K-ing. Ktv on Mersure as she insisted on opening a bottle of Chivas which costs $250 ! Zzzz. After our KTV session, the whole rooms is in a super wet state. LOL. as usual, we played with the ice. haha.
21/3/08 - Good Friday !
Met the peeps at 6.45am and took Jimmy's car to JB. Luckily his car got DVD player, if not we will be so bored ! Jam as expected. Went to Kulai for Bah Kut Teh, then to SSCUS shop to install the seats, then to Palangi for groceries shopping, then to Holiday plaza for haircut for the guys & mani + pedi for the girls. =D
After which, headed home and met Ms Eng to buy the BBQ stuffs and I went home to marinate all the stuffs. Zzzz... It wasnt easy to finish everything by myself.
Bun bought Nasi Lemak back for me to eat and I started cooking the stuffs.. Spent 2 hours + in the kitchen. Wash up everything.. Wah raoz. Pat came over and help me carry some stuffs & off we went to Ms Eng's place for BBQ.
Lotsa fun BBQ-ing. TCSS. aftermath was Tuas South. For a mini drag race & photoshoot. Will post the video up once I upload it to youtube. After Tuas, we went to Mcdonalds for Supper. Super sinful la.
Went for lunch with the SHC peeps & off to autobacs. Then home to slp till evening. Woke up, had dinner & wash car & fetch my parents back.
Nice weekend ~
On a side note, I almost tio 4D lor.
Bought 1313 roll & the first prize came out 6131. ARGH !
Bought 1413 & consolation came out 1341 ~!
sighs. no luck.
going to find more birds now - more birds, more luck.
My Lao Bu make me 哭笑不得 !
As I mentioned, I pass my car to her earlier on.
Once she got on the driver seat, she kept rambling on why I change my seats and its so low. Put the bodykit later bua the hump.
Aiyoh, drive until so 辛苦 for what? Drive car is to relax and enjoy one mah...
And zzzzz....
I was like okokokokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
Then I called her just now.
ME: How's driving the car?
MUM *in a very haolian tone* ok lar, what else you expect?
ME: Nv go up curb/ bua curb meh?
MUM *again, in a haolian tone* never la..
ME: oh ya, forgot you got your driving licence on the first attempt
MUM: *again, in a SUPER haolian tone* No need to say one mah ~
Steamboat again tonight ! =D
Cant wait la~ I love
chong qing steamboat at Beach Road !
Aftermath tonight will be Halo Bar for a drink or 2. Recently lots of stuffs are happening to my dear colleagues; be it family affairs or office affairs.
Hais. I am really a sucker when it comes to consoling
pple. I dont have any idea what to say man. haa..
Good Fri will be heading to Kulai for Bah Kut Teh at 6.45am with Bun & Xian + GF & Jimmy then head to install seats again and lastly to Holiday Plaza for Mee Hoon Kway + hair cut for the guys.
After which, will come home to slp and meet Ms Eng at 6.30pm for shopping of BBQ stuffs.
Sat will be BBQ with the Honda peeps at Ms Eng's place again.
Sun will be home sweet home !
GTG !~ Going home to pass my car to my mum as I dont want to be caught for drink driving !
I swear that when I go BKK this May, I will get myself at heels 10 pairs of heels, 20 tops, 10 dresses, 5 belts, 20 over tee shirts, 10 over shorts, 10 over bermudas, 10 over watches, 5 pairs of sunglasses, 5 bags and more.
My heels of less than 1 month wore out.
My pants of less than 2 weeks got discoloration when I accidentally poured some bleach on it.
Its so damn hard to get heels of my size. Can you imagine?
In the whole of Singapore, only Charles & kieth has my size. And often, when I buy, those nicer designs will not have my size as I guess they only import 1 or 2 pairs of my gigantic feet.
Yesterday Bun & I went to TM. Went to Double Index to buy the exact same pants that I bought 2 weeks ago. KNN. how stupid can I be?
I am really not cut out to being a housewife. Sighs. Not even a part time one.
Yes, it's the Mondays again ! Sighs. Why does weekend pass in blink of eye !
Yes, you are damn right ! I've got my SSCUS seats up in my car & I am loving it more every second ! =D Even Bun loves it, though he did complain of stiff neck, but who cares? Its the body hugging effect that we love when doing sharp turns ~ woohoo!
And we basically poisoned Jimmy & Gabriel with our seats & I am heading to JB again this Sat as Jimmy is installing the exact seats! How cool is that ! Haha...
Right, went home to sleep last Friday. How I love it ! =) Went for our usual Fridays meet ups at WCM. Quite alot of the regulars turn up! Plus, there was a gang of S2000s at WCM! Wah raoz. Its chio one lor. The sound of the xos... Vrrroooommmm...
I woke up like 8plus in the morning as I met Stanley + GF & Des for JB. Went over to pick up Stanley + GF and off we went. Predicted bad jam, but to our surprise, it was just a short jam. Finally, we reached the workshop!! YuppiE! Cant wait. They took about 100 mins to install my seats and gosh, they original seats are so FUCKing heavy ! Bun had some probs carrying it up man! After JB was DFM at Eunos with the peeps. They installed the WestSiders sunshade. So cool lor. Now most of us have the sunshade ! Hehe. It was the car wash session @ BB as usual. 7 cars turned up. After washing was TCSS session & home sweet home. Had my fav. prawn noodles once again & Bun & I went to Jurong Point to shop. Hectic day. LOL. used up 1/2 a tank of petrol in a day. Zzzz. o.O
Sunday was family day with Lu Lu. =) slept the whole afternoon away and Bun & I headed to Autobacs for some car shopping. Tempted to buy a horn & install but we decided against it as we spent alot on our car already. Got to save liao. =)
But then, after our BKK trip, we will install BC Coilovers prob in June which will set us back by 1.5K. hehe. cant wait for our BC Coils & BKK trip!
New colleague just came today & yes, I am the babysitter once again. zzzz...
As people who went out with me will notice the birth mark on the right side of my back, as in the
BIG birth mark
that looks like its blue black or even the discoloration of my clothes.
Incident 1
Location: My place's lift
Victim: Yvonne
Culprit: A couple aged about 15 yrs old.
This couple came from I
dont know where cos I
dont remember seeing them before. As they were in the lift earlier than I was, I stood near the door while they stand before me. My lift door has glass on it so reflection is pretty clear.
That bitch whispered to her bf while pointing to my back. I saw it, I was fine actually cos I always got people staring at my back. But seconds after she whispered, they giggled.
i turned around and asked "Whats your problem?!" while staring hard at them.
Both of them were
shocked and they shoke their head profusely while I carried on glaring at them. I am actually fine with it one when they were talking about my back but my blood boiled when they started to giggle in my presence. Dont ever ever laugh at my birth mark. Its "given" by my parents & I dont think there's anything funny about it. Incident 2
Location: My supplier's place
Culprit: The lady boss
Vicitm: Yes, me again.
I was there as usual to collect film. As it was raining heavily this few days and there wasnt any shelter at her place. I was drenched. When I walked pass her, she said:" eh, yvonne, what happened to your back? Is it some discoloration from your top?"
I was like -.-"
NOOOOO!! Its my B I R T H M A R K!
Fuck. I seriously think i should hang a indication on my back stating that " DO NOT FEEL CURIOUS. ITS MY BIRTHMARK ! "
Wan Tan MeeI had a minor food poisoning yesterday all thanks to a serving of deadly wan tan
mee. I had wan tan
mee during my lunch at my office's canteen. First time trying it due to my colleague saying its quite nice. Well, its so so only but i was like fuck hungry. Gobbled everything down and went back to office. Once I got back to office, I felt nauseous. I thought, cant be I pregnant right? Beared with it till about 2.30pm when I was about to leave office for appointment & I cannot stand it anymore. Rushed to the toilet and once the toilet bowl greeted me, I puke everything out.
Yes, it feels exactly like when you are drunk and puking after you had a glass of martell and ur frens telling you, " LAI AH, TA AH !"
my stomach was spinning like the washing machine trying to digest all the food inside. I struggled to go meet my customer at Gul and on my way back, the washing machine seems to be turned on the high mode. nabei. lao sai liao la. exit at the tamah jurong there & dashed to Mc for my best friend, toilet bowl. knn. the scene is like the washing machine draining out the water and the dirt out. one word -
S H I O K. Right, it will be the first & last time I am patronizing your stall. F U C K.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
After months of consideration, I finally decided to install the SSCUS semi - bucket seats. =D

This pair of lovely seats will just blend in with my black interior yet at the same time provide grip & comfort. How cool is that ? I cant wait for Sat !
Went home during lunch time yesterday to see my darling girl. =) Glad that she's all right already. Jumping around & asking for sayang and tidbits liao. Cheered me up utterly. Hee.
Damn, I am so
desperate for Semi - Bucket Seats !
All righty, some updates for the weekend.
7/3 Fri
Went to my place straight after work. Gave my darling Lu a
BIG hug when I stepped into the house. =D So happy to see her ! hehe. spent the whole evening with her...
8/3 Sat
Woke up very early and brought my Lu to the vet. Sent her for steralisation. Sighs. So heart pain can... Went to meet Miss Eng after dropping Lu at the vet and we sat at the playground near her place to have a puff & TCSS! Its been so long since I last TCSS with her, alone. LOL. Sighs, u r going to America for your work and its 4 whole months leh Miss! Cant imagine how we will react when we see each other again 4 mths later ! LOL. call me when u r back to Sgp ok? I'll go to the airport to fetch u back, I promise! =D Take good care of yourself ok and have a gun at ur place over there... A-meri-ka alot of bad eggs one hor... Take care BITCH! LoL~ After TCSS with Miss Eng, went for car wash session at BB again... After tt fetch Lu back... Wah lau... when I saw her, my heart break into pieces & pieces! she lie there looking so weak, but when she saw me, she tried her very best to stand up and wag her tail ... gosh... the pain is Soo SoooOOooo ...
Carried her and when we sat in the car, she cuddle herself in my arms and doze off... Sorry Lu Lu... Its really heart breaking for me... But.. for ur health, we got no choice... I am not a irresponsible breeder hence, I dont wan u to have anymore babies... Love you~
8/3 Sun
Slack at home with Lu also... stayed by her side all the while. make her breakfast & lunch, cover her with blanket and all... damn, i feel so bad leh, for making her go thru this suffering! sighs!
after that, went to trim my brows and off to Bun's 3rd sis place for dinner. bought a pair of nike dunks for Bun's nephew as its his 3rd birthday.
Lu Lu, I miss u so much ! So sorry ~~
Overall Forecast For The Year
In 2008, Ox people are in an interesting situation - Liu Nian 流年 combines with your year of birth, resulting in the Rat Ox Combination (子丑相合). This signifies great support from Noble People (貴人) and a generally positive and stable climate.
However, any experienced astrologist will tell you that not all Ox people will gain from this combination – about 70% will benefit from this Grand Duke Combination (合歲) while the remaining 30% will have similar luck to those who clash with the Grand Duke (太歲). Therefore, we need to take acloser look at the positive and negative stars in this year.
The good news is that you are supported by numerous auspicious stars. These include the Grand Duke Formation Star, the Sun Star (太陽), the National Treasure Star (國印) and the Heavenly Noble Star (天乙). The first auspicious star, Grand Duke Formation, is a ‘Half Peach Blossom’ (半桃花) auspicious star, indicating strong support from Noble People towards your talents and ideas.The Sun Star indicates that the most powerful Noble Peoplein your life will be male. It also brings opportunities to travel and make profits abroad.The National Treasure Star is the third auspicious star in your Life Palace (命宮), indicatinga growth of power and career advancement. The next positive star is the Heavenly Noble Star, which also indicates that male Noble People will prove to be most helpful this year.
Emotionally, this may be a stressful and trying year because you are the subject of gossip. This situation is caused by the Bad Qi Star (晦氣), which denotes deteriorating people relations.The Ox should keep a low profile to minimise the effects of this negative star. The second inauspicious star is the Pulling Saddle Star (扳鞍), which makes the Ox prone to changing jobs. Remember that this is a year with hidden risks, and so it would be a bad time to open yourself to unpredictable situations. Think carefully before making a move. In general, this is not a good year for people relations. You may find that people gossip about you and can make your surroundings hostile. Try to make plans for celebrations. These can include marriage,
having a baby or buying property. If you are not making any plans to do so, you need to be watchful of your health and that of your family’s.
the leap year (:
As requested by Adeline.
Part 1: Introduction
Name: Yvonne Low
D.O.B: 22 July 1985
Current Status: Married
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Dark Brown with White Extension
Righty Or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Part 2 : On The Inside
Your heritage: Chinese, Cantonese
Your fears: Losing my love ones...
Your weakness: Naive
Part 3: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your thoughts 1st waking up: What should I have for breakfast?
Your Bedtime: meaning?
Your most missed memory: Baby boy.
Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi Or Coke: Coke
MacDonald's Or Burger King: Mac
Single Or Group Dates: Group
Adidas Or Nike: Nike
Lipton Tea Or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate Or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino Or Coffee: I dont take coffee at all.
Part 5: Do You?
Smoke: I do.
Curse: I can be a bitch.
Drink: Seldom.
Part 6: In the past month
Drank Alcohol: Nope.
Gone to the mall: I love it.
Been on stage: Nah. But I got a round of applause by my company. Considered?
Eaten Sushi: Dont remember eating it.
Dyed hair: Yeap.
Part 7: Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game: Nah. I am shy~ LOL.
Changed who you were to fit in: I am learning to be a better person everyday.
Part 8: Age
You are hoping to be married: I am what.
Part 9: In a Guy Or Girl
Best Guy Eye Colour: I am ok.
Hair colour: I like blonde highlights.
Short Or Long Hair: Short.
Part 10: What were you doing?
1 min ago: Doing this thing lor.
1 hour ago: At my customer's place.
1 mth ago: Preparing for CNY.
1 yr ago: Cant rem.
Part 11: Finish the sentence.
Love: is love the imperfect person perfectly. (Still learning)
Feel: Good!
Miss: Baby Boy
Hate: Liars!
Need: to see Lu Lu real soon!
Part 12: Tag 5 people!
Its ok la. Do it if u r free !
I am full. Just had lunch at Crystal Jade with my boss. Suppose to meet TT from F&N but end up she couldnt make it.
The Sze Chuan La Mian SUCKS ! I've nv tasted anything more disgusting than tt noodles. It taste like peanut butter with la mian. Knn. But the xiao long bao is pretty good.
After lunch, my boss & I headed to Yokogawa to meet the engineer. Good response. Boss happy. I happy. Everyone happy. lol.
Lazy to elaborate la, but receiving the order from them will be soon ! =D
And I dont need to worry about my sales figure every month. They can give me at least 40K sales
every month.
Thinking of it makes me
drool... =P
I cant help but got a tinge of disappointment. I am suppose to feel angry & revengeful but, nope. I don't. Instead, I am feeling disappointment. Utter disappointment.
I've come to see how ugly humans are.
In the past, I can hate someone just by listening to what a third party says. But the recent years, I come to learn to stand in a neutral position. I don't judge a book by its cover & of course by what a third party says.
I've learnt to believe that no human is bad by nature. Its always the circumstances that cause them to become bad. I've learnt to look at everyone & anyone with a start of 100 marks.
But damn, why am I always proven otherwise?
I don't believe in helping people
becos I strongly believe that person will NOT reciprocate! I tried to change my mentality and I am still in the progress of learning.
Just like when you were studying, I am sure everyone have Theory & Practical lessons. I just had my practical lesson & I think I fared well; at least an 80 marks.
BUT WHY? Why do god always let me see the ugly side of human nature? I hate it. Each time I thought I've progressed to the next stage, you have to kick me down all the way to the bottom.
That's it.
I will never offer my trust to anyone else except for my dear ones.
The traffic turns red. The cars in front of me stops and I came from behind...
Saw a sibei chio Porshe and I slowed down admiring the Porshe from behind. I was like "wowwww" and as I drove pass and I looked into the driver seat..
Theres this FAT guy digging his nose !Can you imagine how TURN OFF it is?
God is very fair.. He gives u money but no looks... See.. LOL. It is tested & proven already.
Sometimes I really BTH my Mummy. LOL. She is very funny yet cock la. Haha. She called me & asked me to buy for her to the green color Sony Ericsson HP. Insisted tt she wants green color & I said ok and I rushed to Sim Lim to buy for her & she met me at my office here to collect from me.
I kept thinking why did she want a green hp and finally, I figured out.. I remembered just before CNY, she did mention that the feng shui pple said that
Green color is her lucky color. LOL.
She really pan tan lor.. LOL.
Weeee~ Some updates for the weekend..
Friday 29th Feb
Bun's colleague sent him over to my office here and we headed to my place for dinner and off for our weekly WestSIDERS meet up! Met the usual peeps there for TCSS session and home sweet home after tt.
Sat 1st March
Waited for Bun to come home. Dad called me and told me he lost Lu Lu ! SCARED the hell outta me!! I changed my clothes & rushed down to carpark and Dad called me saying he found Lu Lu already. Guess where's she?
She was in the storeroom. Apparently the door a left open and Lu Lu went in and my Dad closed the door just after she went in. LOL. Dad searched everywhere for her, went downstairs and looked for her and lastly, he went home to check again and he found her in the storeroom! wah raoz. will heart attack one leh. haha.
When Bun came home, we went for lunch & went to Autobacs to meet Stanley & his fren to buy some car grooming stuffs and off we went for our car wash. Attendees for tt day was Bun & Me, Peter, Ivan, Gabriel, Antonnius, Stanley & fren and Lewis.
after car wash was mini photoshoot at level 8A. Can you believe it? The MSCP has 8 levels ! Wah Kao. While driving up, we saw alot of people joggin in the MSCP, can you imagine? Its so BIG that pple can jog in there !
Went home for Popiah after which. yummy yummy ! Bun's Popiah very lousy, always burst one. haha. forgot to take photos as we were too hungry already..
After eating our dinner, we went to Polish our car! 2 hours + ! Imagine me doing it alone !! but the results was excellent lor.. Regained the showroom shine.. Efforts was worth it.. but i got bad backache after tt.. Old woman already la...
Sun 2nd March
Slp the whole day till evening.. =P
Need to replenish the energy lost while polishing our car lars.
Bun & I went to Sheng Shiong to get our daily needs & it was home sweet home..
My parent's New Zealand trip has been confirmed. 5th June to 14th June..
I got to be home to look after my 4 doggies.
21st of March they are heading to Genting again. Zzzz.. Got to be home as well.
20th May we will be having a family chalet at Aloha! its mahjong time~ LoL..
I love my Daddy, Mummy, Bro, Bun, Baby Boy, Lu Lu, Lui Lui, Xiao Huai Dan & Orh Kia~~
WestSIDERS Meet up 29/2/08