Its a start of another loOong week. Yawns !
I am finally back to my weekly updating of the events during the weekends.
As usual, went back to Teck Whye straight after work, had our sumptuous dinner at home ! I ate alot of food. Hehe. Nice Japanese Curry Pork Ribs that my Mum cooked. =)
Bun fell asleep shortly after dinner. PIG ! LOL. Well, guess he's tired after all the happenings at his workplace bah.
Saturday was a hectic day. Bun came to fetch me after work to Ubi to collect our car. =D Satisfied with the new bumper. Lovin' it ! HAHA ! After which, he drove his van and I drove the car back to Hougang to park his van & off we went to Tamp to collect our resprayed CF bonnet from Ah Ng. =) Ah Ng really take professionalism in his work ! He adjusted our bonnet till it fits perfectly in. I will definately recommend him for spray painting ! Great guy !
After installing our sui sui bonnet, finally our car looks so nice liao !
We headed to Tamp Mall to shop for a present for Bun's niece. Guys will always be guys, Bun keep on saying :" Aiyah, bao ang bao can liao lar.. dont ma fan.." Well, I insisted on buying a present. It shows how much more sincere you are lor. =) We bought a small haversack for her & off to his 3rd sis's place @ Bishan for dinner.
After dinner, we went off to BB to meet the bitches for car wash. Well well well... none of us washed our car there, basically just TCSS. Zzzzz. LOL.
Went home for dinner again afterwhich. my fav. fish meat bee hoon! My Mummy just cooks so well ! My Dad always say if only you are half as good as your Mum in cooking.. My cooking not bad one ok ! I wanted to cook for them butter crab but they all reject me ! SOBS ! =( Haha. Damn lame lar, their reasons is that it wont taste good and I will make a mess outta the kitchen ! *ROARSSSS I dont care, I am going to cook them a meal soon !
I wanted to sleep late on Sunday but my Mum woke me up by nagging and nagging saying I keep on sleeping lar... blah blah blah... *faintz* woke up & we went to Pasir Ris Farmway's Pet Movers. Brought the 4 naughty boys & girl there for an "excursion". LOL. Yeah, they had lotsa fun there & us as well. Bath them there and shopped at the hyper mart for their food, tidbits, toys & shampoos.
My Ah Lu girl in the car..

Orh Kia..

The 4 naughty kids fell asleep in the car after running all around over there. bet they had alot of fun ! Haha ! =) Bun & I headed for our hair cut @ Jurong after that. That bitch actually cut my hair so DAMN SHORT ! Oh well, WHICH PART OF MY ENGLISH YOU DONT UNDERSTAND? I said to her, I dont want to shorten the length of my hair ! BLOODY HELL. I said I dont want to cut my fringe ! and now my fringe is just slightly below my eyebrows ! ZzZzzz.
Yeap, that's my weekend. I am so homely ! LOL. I love to be home & be with my loved ones. Always treasure the time with them, cos you dont want to regret it when you lose them ! =)
I am looking forward to this weekend. KTV session with da ling ! Finally this bitch is willing to come out after hibernating for months and months ! =D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY HUBBY !May you stay as cute as ever, love me as much as ever, stay as nice to me as ever, tio 4D like ever ... LOL. Also, I know, you want a baby as soon as possible ! LOL. We shall try ok?Last but not least, this is the first time I am celebrating your birthday as your WIFE. =) I wish you all the best and smooth sailing in whatever you do ! I LOVE YOU !
On 21st June, I dreamt of ....

my darling boy. its the first time i dream of him ever since 26th Nov 2006.
Well, its a happy dream. I dreamt that he came back.
I can only remember some parts of the dream..
" I saw him, he was lying there with his eyes closed. I looked at him as if he is sleeping. And slowly, he opened his eyes and look at me. I jumped up & screamed :" BABY is back !!! "
Nothing can express my happiness. I think i went around telling everyone baby is back ! "
I think that is about all.. I wonder what is baby trying to tell me.. Is he telling me he is coming back to my side? Or am I thinking too much?
Please, I really hope my dream comes true, darling boy ! Come back to me !
As you all can see, today I am kinda free. need to take a break in between to
relac abit lar hor. My leg feel so painful
lar, cos I have been walking in and out of the production. my jobs running & roach's job running. then i got to settle his stuffs, my own stuffs. and i got to do my job as a team leader. keep track of their sales & my own sales.
cheonging for the last week to hit my target this month.
but still... i love to be BUSY ! =D
today i went to lunch at
IMM with
calista &
dan. while walking back to my car, a
bmw was parking
infront of me waiting for a lot. and so, i tot to myself. when will it be my turn to drive a
but then again, think. its good to have goals. and i will push myself to work hard for that goal. to drive a
beemer ! =D
yet at times, yes, i know its contradicting. but i just felt that my life now is "passable". but then,
im sibei greedy. i want the best in life. i want to have EVERYTHING. but sometimes, things
arent so simple. there are things you cant buy with money; like having baby boy back. no matter how rich i am, i cant bring him back to life.
hais, i am missing him again. i am trying not to think of him so much. yes i know, i am selfish. but.. once i think of him, my heart just hurts. i know i may sound
exaggerating to many. come on' he's just a DOG.
but to me.. he is not a dog.. he is my best friend, my best soul mate, my everything.
i ever saw a sentence:
to you, your dog may not be your everything. but to them, you are his everything. for now, i try to be with Lu Lu whenever I can. Even if I were to quarrel with Bun, I will still go ahead.
I dont want to have any regrets.Once bitten, twice shy.
Its Father's Day last Sunday. Did you all celebrate?
Well, we did not have any special celebration. Only bought another Guy Laroche wallet for him. LOL. Every year without fail, he will have a new wallet, be it his birthday or Father's Day. My Dad loves to change his wallet. Once he feels that the particular wallet did not bring him any
财, he will change his wallet.
When I went to fetch my folks from the airport, they happily load their stuffs into my boot and both of them were coughing away. So poor thing ~ They fell sick la, maybe they are 苦命人 lor. Cant enjoy that kind. LOL.
Anyway, I sent them straight to Clementi from the airport as they need to go to my aunt's mother-in-law's funeral. Bun then drove their car over as we need to go to Brenda's chalet @ Aloha Loyang. Well, it was very happening over there as Rich's father asked his fren to set up a Karaoke there as well as a BBQ section. There's actually a uncle standing there BBQ-ing chicken wings and pork for everyone to eat.
Chit chatted with Bren's Dad & Rich's Dad... They are all so cute.. LOL. especially Bren's Dad. We played MJ with Bren's Dad & Rich's Mum after which. haha. TCSS all the way and I lost $140.. sian lar, so unlucky lor.. =(
Went home at 4 plus in the morning. Reach home zzzz all the way till sunday evening ! =P Went back to Hougang for dinner with Bun's 2nd & 3rd sis & his parents.
We went to install our heatshield for our Secret Weapon open pod air intake. Nice lor ! =)

Sorry, I am not too much of a technical person. I only know its heatshield + open pod only. LOL.
I am going to meet Jimmy later on at HOS to install our eagle head light. LOL. Then tmr will leave my car at Gary Motor to respray my left fender & install my new INGS bumper ! WOOHOO ! Then install back my CF bonnet at NG's place & YEAHHHH !! 1313 looks as nice as ever ! =P
The news reported on 88.3 FM got me laughing out loud this morning.
Man fined $95k for tax evasion on luxury car
By Christopher Tan, Senior Correspondent
THE owner of an imported Porsche has paid dearly for trying to take the taxman for a ride.
Project manager Soh Chee Kwang was fined $95,000 on Monday for fudging the value of a two-door Cayman sports car in a bid to avoid thousands of dollars in taxes and duties.
The 31-year-old is believed to be the first non- motor trader to be convicted of evading car levies.
Read the full report in Thursday's edition of The Straits Times.This kind of pple very funny. He merely wanted to save $9500 and he was fined by the judge for $95,000 ! LOL.
Its 10 times more. OMG. What are these rich people doing man? I mean, they can afford a PORSCHE ! Not a KIA Picanto leh ~ nnb. What is $9500 to them man?
Now great, my GREATEST fear has come true.
Yes, its the DENTIST ! After the
umpteen times of stories I've heard about the extraction of wisdom tooth & the OPERATION of wisdom tooth, its finally my turn to relate my true story in no time to come. =( And very sway-ly, my stupid tooth grew slanted/ horizontal or whatever you call that and tamade I got to go for op to remove it ! Hearing the dentist relate the procedures just send the chills down my spine ! o.O My innermost gums is now SWOLLEN that I could not close my upper & lower jaws up properly @ about 4+ in the morning today. I could not sleep and I woke up to brush my teeth & rinse my mouth. Tried going back to slp @ about 5+ but the pain was overwhelming ! Woke up & started to surf the net on wisdom tooth cos I could not think of any other reasons for this pain ! Went to Tanglin area to fetch my boss as he sent his car for servicing & told him I will be visiting the dentist later on. Cheong to the dentist @ 8.30am though they open @ 9am. The recep told me their appointment is fully booked till 11am and she asked if I wanna book the slot at 11am? I said NO ! I cant wait. It hurts like hella. So LL waited for the walk-in when the dentist is free. I guess I was pretty lucky, managed to visit the dentist at about 9.30am. Did an xray & yes, its wisdom tooth ! and the next BAD news was that it can only be extracted by surgery ! I nearly fainted ! Frankly speaking, if u dare me to put tattoo or visit the dentist, i would rather go put tattoo ! Serious !
10 days passed so quickly. How I
wish I can continue to stay at my place with my Lulu... Its ok, shall not think of this anymore, 1 week come back sleep 3 days is already very good enuff. =))
I got them to SMS me everyday on their movements.
My Daddy very cute lar, let me quote some of his SMSes.
Time to report. We are at Auckland airport now. Hp will not be on until about 9.30 SIN time when we reach Bangkok.
Time to report. Just finish dinner, now going to Casino.
Time to report. Just finish dinner. Anything you want me to buy for you? hehe, i replied them ask them to buy for me 2 LV bags & 3 gucci wallet.Guess what was their reply? Ok, I will buy for you 2 Low Value bag & 3 glue made wallet. -.-" Dont know how they came up with glue made wallet !
Anyway, they 've arrived at Bangkok airport last night and will only be back on Sat 7+pm. So got to fetch them back & head to bren's 21st bdae chalet. =)
BAD LUCK SHOOOOOO GOOD LUCK LAIIIIIIII ~~Yes, I am feeling very sway. Got into an accident on Tues, 10/6 at about 3.30pm.
So, cut the story short, i kissed the lorry's backside. My car's damage was pretty bad.
- Radiator burst
- my $750 carbon fibre bonnet cracked all the way ! *CRYS*
- my bumper cracked
- my left fender dented & scratches
- whole engine bay alignment out
- both side fender alignment out
- headlight dented & scratched
Total damage on my car -
$1490 !
Damn sian. Out of nowhere got to spend this money for nothing ! I took some photos lar.. Post up when I am in the mood bah.
I am just SO heartpain. 6 months old car only ! There goes my bonus for next month ! =(
My CF bonnet will not have any CF finishing already ! I got to spray it to white ... SOBS !
I changed bumper to CTR bumper cos I dont think its worth to respray my own bumper !
Just damn sad lar. Now I cant find any headlight. So prob just hang on the the original one first bah.. Live with it !
I am feeling so uncomfortable at this moment, i mean for the whole morning till now.
I always have a hard time elaborating myself. Or rather, I just have to explain things any further. It just pissed me off even more. I rather go scream at the wall myself or probably just give a HARD kick to the wall eh? Ok, I know I sound like a saddist, but who CARES? I am going to live the life I want. I decided to be INCONSIDERATE, SELF CENTERED AND HAVE A WHO CARES ATTITUDE ! I am tired. I am tired of thinking how other people will think & feel. Its very tiring to think and think and think. Think of why this fella does this? What is that fella thinking of? That fella must have some reasons for doing so. ARGH. I dont know why I am not pulling up my socks ! I know my bosses think well of me, I know I can do well. I know I can. But why am I still surfing the net like nobody's business? Why am I still slacking in my job? I know as Sales I cant afford to slack. We need to constantly fight like some generals to keep the customers by your side. BUT WHY? I just cant control myself. It is just 有心无力. Or am I finding excuses for myself? I find that I dont understand myself at all. What on earth do I want? Which direction am I going at? I am happy that I just got a promotion and my team mates are all very motivated, so how can their leader be demoralized? I need to buck up. I seriously NEED to. I yearn for victory. Yes. I WANT VICTORY !
These 2 days I was busy sourcing for available --- for a very special date this month. I searched thru the web and I actually shortlisted 2. 1 is at the far end of Singapore and the other is in the central of Singapore.
I actually called the far end of Singapore one first and bloody hell, the date i wanted got taken up as it is opened to members first. So bo bian. I called up the central one. It cost twice as much as the other one. But i think its worth it cos it got the date i want and can go as planned.
Don feel confused cos I wont disclose it till 21st.
I've got the present ready and this 2 surprise took 1/3 of my pay away already.
Up next is the dinner planning for him.
Finally, my mind is at peace when I'ev confirmed everything. Hope he will like it as this is my first time celebrating his bdae as his
wife. =)
Shall update the pics when the day comes.
Next Sat will be Brenda's 21st birthday at Aloha. Haha. Not again ~~ I've been having BBQ almost every 2 weeks !
UPDATES for the weekend.
Met the bitches at Changi Village after work for dinner. After which we headed to my family chalet @ Aloha Loyang as most of my relatives wasnt there. When we arrived there, there's no one in and Stanley & Bjorn decided to climb over the chalet's wall and they opened the door for us. -.-"
And Jimmy's first response was: PIG CLIMBED OVER THE WALL !!!" LOL. Got me laughing till my tears flowed down. HAHA.
We hanged around at the chalet playing poker & TCSS and finally we convoyed back to west side. I just love SLE man. Its the only route you can go a little faster lar... hehe. Not convenient to post our top speed here since my car plate is officially shown ~ =P
Both of us slept till 12pm and we woke up, Bun decided not to go for his reservist duty and he headed to get MC. After which, we went to fetch my uncle at Jurong and we headed to chalet.
I wanted to try to play dai dee with my first uncle, 2nd uncle & my dad. So we played. My first uncle see me play like a noob and he told me: "bon ah, why not you go watch TV? the show is nice leh." -.-"""""" Kan sad lor. I want to lose money to you all cannot meh? LOL. In the end, I lost $100. NABEIS. Always play with my dad, i sure lose money to him one.
It was a day spent with the bitches again. we went for breakfast at AMK while Bun went to play basketball with the Yuying peeps. Then we headed to Tamp ikea. Bought some storage stuffs as usual. Then it was home to slp with Lu lu ~~ =) Stayed overnight at Mom's place. hehe. At night went over to Ken's condo to install the strobe lights he bought for me & Jimmy. Now when we reverse, there are blinkers at our rear ! CHIOZ ! haha. Luckily we know Ken, can save lots on installation charges, just buy him some drinks will do. =P
This Thurs my parents will be heading to New Zealand for 10days and I will be staying at home !!! YEAH !~ My mum warned me not to cook at home. =( Why ?! Cos she said I will make a mess out of the kitchen. She ask me go tar bao food. zzzZzz..
Our newest Mod - Carbon Fiber Bonnet with Vents. Chio bo?