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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

~ Kukup Trip ~

My whole family went to Kukup over the weekends. I am pretty sure u guys are thinking, EH? SIMI PLACE LAI EH? tio bo? Haha. Its actually a kelong place lar. Er, village kind one. Like u know, those small villages u see on TVs. Yeah. They sort of convert part of the village to "resort" but of cos, not that kind of luxury resort lar.

Basically, what you can do there is, MJ, ktv, la kopi, fish and eat. Bun, me & bro bought UNO, Old Maid, Pick A Stik, Pop pop & fire crackers! YES !~ All the childhood games lar. I remember i used to play pop pop (u know, the thingy u throw on the floor and it goes POOPPP ) during CNY which i was still a girl. Then our garment decided to ban it for good lar ! And I believe our generation people nv played fire crackers in Singapore b4 lar. WOOSSHH! Its just pure fun ! =D Its loud, its exciting and its just SHIOK !

I slept for 2 days after we came back to Spore. Dead tired.

Today im feeling sibei tired again. out for the whole day for sales. these 2 months i am cheong-ing very hard. =) This month hit target again, $$$$$$$$$$$$$ ! HUAT ~ I think i am damn gian peng. haha. Cheong more to get more commission ~ hehe.

I shall update the few photos after i transferred hor. be patient with me ~ =)

The End,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Happy happy birthday to you, you, you !
I hope you enjoyed your day with Banana.

Up next is the bo liao stuff that happened in office just a while ago. 2 effing bored staffs playing around with the email.
xw: *complaining since yesterday* wah lau, just nobody email me leh. knn.
me: reason is very simple. u got no frens lor. i got emails when i come back leh.
xw: *stares*
calista: aiyah, don like tt lar u, its bcos of his face ok. he got frens one.
everyone: burst out LOL.
xw: wah lau, i went down for 15 mins, just nobody want to email me.
me: LOL *sent this email to him.
please read on. LOL.

life without boss in office is so DAMN SHIOK ! slacked a little lar. lol.
i cant wait for weekends and today is only tuesday ! sighs.

The End,

Monday, October 20, 2008

Out of the sudden, i feel so broke. yes. its been such a long time since i felt so broke. lol. maybe i am used to having a substantial amount in my bank and now, this small amount just made me felt so uneasy ! =(

no more modding ! save save save !

anyway, i am having our home very soon. our new address is

Blk 981A Buangkok Crescent #08-xx. =)

Yes, we paid the $1,000 deposit last night and the final price closed at is $323,188.
This is the MOST expensive item we bought in our entire life ! We got to give them $20,000 in cash for the COV and the rest through loan. *sweatz*

hope everything goes thru smoothly and we can have our house after CNY. =P
still deciding if i should bring lulu along with me. would love to have her with me, but will she feel comfortable? i really hope she can talk to me and tell me if she wants to follow me !

up next is my visit to Ah Chan Ek - thai master. =)
Briefly, he told me that i always let my thoughts wander, especially when i am driving, thus i got into a few accidents.
i will stay in my current job for another 3 yrs and up next i will have my own business. he also told us that next yr, we will DEFINATELY have our kid and he told us to pray bananas to Godness of Mercy and finish eating the bananas.
Also, he mentioned I have a mole at my chest & 1 more at my stomach there. My temper comes very fast and goes very fast as well.

Er... I think thats about all. Oh, I've been adviced to get a GunManTong to protect myself & bring up my luck. And so, I got it and its inside my pocket ! =)

I am going to read up more about GMT. Hanling, teach me more ! !!

The End,

Friday, October 17, 2008

Just an update, my mum finally decided to go see the eye specialist. =D

my dear mum ah decided to go due to her colleague who just went as well. her colleague saw some black marks as well, but hers is in a severe condition. so my mum called me, told me about her colleague then ask me call and book appt for her.

then i called my dad, dad said "this lao hum ku ah... " lol. cos i asked dad to fetch mum there as she is advised NOT to drive. prob, i will go fetch mum back as the whole process will take about 2 and half hours time. poor thing. *heartache*

hope everything's fine.

also, will be bringing lu lu to the vet tmr for her microchipping as i am going to register her. besides that, fixed an appt for lui & orh kia to go for their steralisation. i trust tt this op will bring them nothing but benefits in the long run, jus like xiao huai dan & lu lu who is so active after their op.

TGIF! I am so so so tired. i did not take any afternoon nap over the last weekend. this week im totally drained. *sighz.

The End,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I did not sleep well last night after reading an SMS from my Dad. Dad told me to ask my Mum to go for an eye check up as she claimed that she saw some black marks.

I called her immediately and she was playing mj. she told me theres nth wrong, and its only for a while. But I insisted on bringing her to the doc and she insisted not to go and she hanged up my phone. *faints*

This morning I called her again and she told me she will be more worried than I do cos if anything happens, she cannot play mj le. -.-"

Someone kill me pls.

But anyway, if she decides not to go, I cant do anything though. Shall wait for my Dad to come back from KL and decides bah.


The End,

Monday, October 13, 2008

I realized its been a long time since we both last took a photo together.
So, here it is !
This was taken some time ago. *Heartz* my lovely gal. =)

And... This is my current look ! Still more or less same actually.. =P

Me & Bunny's ride.

Nothing much to update, I had a normal weekend.
We went to Sultan Plaza on Sat to see the Thai Master. His predictions were pretty accurate and so we are going back next week to change Bun's luck. We bought an amulet as well, but I forgot the name le. Its an old monk that sits on a lotus 400 yrs ago. Bun need an old person by his side to bless him, hence the amulet.
I think we were pretty lucky ! We paid 40cents to wash 3 cars ! LOL. We kena "jackpot". Haha. 20cents for a continous wash... Then on Sunday, we went for the 2nd house viewing with bun's mum & sis and we went back to my place for a car wash & jackpot again ! LOL !~
At night, we went to Bishan to shop shop. No mood to shop leh. -.-"
Anyway, I am planning another trip to Bangkok !
Ok, I hear you !

The End,

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I fell sick on Sunday evening but I still struggled to work on Monday. I went to our company doctor after our weekly sales meeting and doc mentioned I had fever, flu, cough & sore throat. Yeah, this is the usual "package" that always come together. LOL. I was given 2 days MC.

I slept thru my Monday & Tues afternoon. Slept till I turn my phone to silent mode & Lu Lu pee-ed in my room cos she was sleeping with me all the while. The medicine caused me to be so steam lor. haha.

After which, I went to eat BBQ steamboat on Tues evening with Kai & Banana. YEAH. I am courting for death right? LOL. My voice changed when I was back on Wed. Usually when I call my few regular customers, I do not need to tell them I am Yvonne. But yest when I call them, I need to say I am Yvonne ahh.. LOL.

I felt so energetic today ! =P

Its thurs and the weekend is so near ~ missing my lulu again. hehe.

Ever since I read the story about Rainbow Bridge, I felt so much better. I smile when I think of Baby boy now cos I know I will meet him again but its a matter of time. =)

Nothing much to update, just that we are busy sourcing for houses. Till now, I have not seen any houses that I really like except for 919 but tt fella is asking for 38K COV. *FAINTZ*

The End,

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

*Credits to all the designers.

The End,

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Selemat Hari Raya to all Muslims out there !

Especially to Miss. Faezah Bin Mop. LOL.

I love public holidays especially if its on Wednesday. It just shortens the week so much.

Bun & me brought Lu Lu to WCM for a run as shes a tad overweight. HAHA. I bet she had a fun time lor. Cos shes really 在草园上奔跑 ! LOLS. Seeing her run all around the big field out that made me felt so happy for her. Can see that she really enjoyed herself. =)

I think this is the feeling of when you see your loved ones happy, you will feel happy too. =P

After which, went home to bath all of them as Lu Lu is covered with mud/ grass and small stones... LOL. Looks like she just ended a scambler competitor nia. After bathing her, I on the aircon & both of us slept like a log. HAHA.

Went to meet our property agent at night for final discussion and our current flat is sold 20k above valuation. Now we got to work hard on looking ard for a flat liao lor.. =) so excited. finally can leave this place le.. haha.

Got to work liao. Tonight going to meet my Miss Eng le !

The End,

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….


My darling boy, when my chores are through, we will cross the rainbow bridge together.
And between now & then, till I see you again, I'll be loving you...


I wish, I wish, I wish...

A healthy & handsome lil' J'don