Friday, December 19, 2008
~~Mr. & Mrs. Bun's 1st Yr Anniversary~~
I am dying to go to Bintan after looking thru at the Banyan Tree Resort's photos!
Its more or less firm that I am heading there in Jan to celebrate our 1st Yr Anniversary, else in Feb. That will depend if i get my bonus or not ~ hehe. Some pics for u to drool over.. I am leaning more towards the Bayfront Villa...
Seafront Villa
A shimmering ocean vista unfolds at the Seafront Villa, which is built on stilts into the hillside. Dream away as the sun sets on the horizon and graces the sea with its warm golden glow. Featuring traditional Indonesian architecture and authentic local décor, each villa is luxuriously appointed; from the 5m-high rustic Balinese grass roof to the extravagant bathroom with sunken bath.
Bayfront Villa
With an invigorating view of the bay and a spacious interior that's open, light and breezy, staying at the Bayfront Villa is a true delight. At sunset, a dip in the jet pool on the verandah affords breathtaking views, while the specially designed four-poster bed and marble laden bathroom add a real touch of self-indulgence to this luxurious abode.
Bayfront Pool Villa
With its private swimming pool, open-air jet pool, tasteful décor and awe-inspiring view of the open sea, the Bayfront Pool Villa offers the ultimate in luxury and comfort. Unwind in total seclusion high on the hill soaking in the peace and serenity of the forest surroundings. Couples might prefer the one-bedroom Bayfront Pool Villa which enjoys an additional living room, while the two-bedroom Bayfront Pool Villa is ideal for families (with children aged 12 and above) and close friends
i bet the bayfront pool villa is going to cost a bomb. perhaps we will just opt for the bayfront villa. this a small jet pool is more than enuff bah.. We can go soak in the clear water sea & go to Oleh Oleh for dinner.. And back in the villa to enjoy in each other's embrace! woohoo! romantic! i like~ hehe.
So how, Bun?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I think my week is sibei happening lor! lols. eye-opener for me too~
Sibei Happening 1I tio summon for speeding for the very first time for the 4 yrs of me holding the driving license! oooo.. how wonderful is that huh... lol. 6 freaking demerit points + $150 fine~ speeding by 21km/h - 30km/h. tell me who on earth will drive at 60km/h on that long stretch of road.. drive at 80km/h is already very 给面子 lor!
Sibei Happening 2Wah, the very first time in my life, i met a prostitue.. shall not disclose why i get the chance to meet her, but im sure the cleverly peeps will guess it right!
*winks* s
well, shes only like 20 (as wad she claimed), young, sweet, mild mannered and petite lady.. dont know what is her true reason behind her choice fast cash this way... but im sure, she is either helping out to lessen her family burden or being materialistic. whichever it is, i find that, it will be shameful down the road.
imagine one day, u found a guy u truly love and u decided to keep ur past as a deep deep secret, sekali walking down the road, ur x-customer calls out to u, " 美女,你还有在做吗? " *while squeezing ur butt*
lots of thoughts ran thru my mind as i look at her from top to bottom till i bth and ask her some ques and kai stopped me jus in time before i probe further! lol. think im really kpo lar..
Sibei Happening 3Street racing! first time in my life, i witness this. not exactly street racing, more to dragggg race. lol. it was pretty exciting though, but dangerous.. once in a while can play to try out whether the things you spent ur $ on are useful or not.. ======================================================
all right, thats all guys. i was terribly sick over the last weekend. yeah, the usual std package that always comes together. bun took great care of me!
i love u! *muacks!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I love you for so many things.
Your voice, your touch, your kiss, your smile.
You accept me as I am;I can relax and just be me
.Even when my quirks come out,You think they're cute; you let me be.
With you, there's nothing to resist;You're irresistible to me.
I'm drawn to you in total trust;I give myself to you willingly.
Your sweet devotion never fails;You view me with a patient heart.
You love me, dear, no matter what.
You've been that way right from the start.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I've been busy nowadays. Busy sourcing for extra income and yet not to be tied down by it. So, the best way will be ....
Some updates as I cant rem much in details lar.
We went to Simon's wedding on the 23rd of Nov to witness his marriage with his wife. It was fun catching up with the long time no see people, especially after our wedding. =) Would really like to Thank them so much for their help in a way or so.
Simon's wife is pregnant.. oo well.. its always like this, the more u want, the more u cant get it. just like mine & simon's case! hais.
Here's a pic jus before we leave for the wedding. DAMN, my FAT face again! zzz. my cutie bunny, i so so so love to pinch his face. hehe. =P

And here's a pic of my princess lu lu girl. =) *muacks*

Brought lui lui and orh kia to the vet to do steralisation. poor thing. always so heart pain when i see them in pain.. but lui lui recovered on that night itself but orh kia took longer, but no worries, they are jumping & barking like siao gao already. LOL.
Went to meet kai & banana at bt panjang plaza last sat night. after tcss, suddenly we talked about some serious stuffs. banana will now be my partner to sell Carbon Fibre stuffs for cars & kai will be my partner to sell sexy sexy lingerie on !
Went to Alvin's place to change my sunshade and add stickers on my GT wing. Bun went along to stick sunshade & change his carplate. Afterwhich, he went to FK to change uh humm.. (shhhh, illegal stuffs) haha. he's like a small boy, after i gave him the green light, he kept smiling ear to ear. lols. anyway, he like can liao. =) love u, hubby.

There's a freaking mutha farking ccb who threw/ placed a cigarette butt on my wiper there causing a burnt mark and melted the plastic! KNN. please be careful while walking, cos ur hand will just drop off and your hand will ROT! CCB. Let me know who the fuck u r and i make sure i smash ur face till ur mum cant recognise U!=============================================================
All right, till then. Do support my blogshop hor!