My current job sucks to the core although I made a few good frens through this job. I hate each and every thing about this job.
I hate the SM. I hate the colleagues.I hate the environment.I hate the inconvenice.I hate the paperwork.I hate I hate I hate !!!1 of my customer asked if I am keen to work for their company as they have vacancy. I will be going for an interview on Monday. Shall see how.
By the way, I sold my car. Sold for 66k and top up 5k to the bank. I will be going to C&C to sign the papers for the new car. =)
Finally can drive a turbocharged car! But not an evo hor. haha.
Just wanna vent my fustrations over here. I HATE THIS JOB ! ! !
Celebrating my birthday in advance with the colleagues. Shall update again. Bye!