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Thursday, September 23, 2010

J'don Chew Ting Rui, 1st Sept 2010.

As much as my parents hope that J comes out on the 31st Aug whereby he will share the same birth date as my brother, but he didnt. He chose to come out 1 day after which is Teachers' Day. Smart ass, in this way, he does not need to go to school on his birthday every year!

Just wanna share my birth story here in detail... Here it go..

On 1st Sept at around 4ish in the morning, i woke up feeling a little crampy. So I went to to toilet to pee as usual and when i wipe my V, i saw brown stains! I was overwhelmed! I then wipe a few more times to clean it and so, I put a pad on. Afraid that it might be false alarm, i did not wish to alarm bun. I then timed my contractions and it was about once every 15mins. So i woke bun up and we quickly bath and headed to TMC. Before that, we went for breakfast. I had no appetite as I was so excited that I'm seeing J soon! =D

We then checked into TMC at around 5ish. I was told to clear my bowel which I did cos each time i am excited or kan jeong, i would wanna poo big time. lol. the nurse also asked me to pee into the container as she needed to test some stuffs, i was so excited that i forgot all about it and pee straight into the toilet bowl. rofl.

and so, i was strapped to the ctg machine again. damn! i hate that. its so uncomfortable! J would kick exceptionally hard when d ctg is strapped onto me. he seems to hate it as well. hurhur.

waited and waited. contractions was once every 2-4 mins by 8ish in d morning. it was really bearable. FINALLY, my gynae decided to show face at 9ish - 10. he then did a cervix check on me and i was 2cm dilated ONLY. waterbag was still intact lor. then he asked me:"u want me to break ur waterbag?" i said:"huh? anything to speed up pls." he then broke my waterbag and i can feel a gush of hot liquid gushing out. d feeling is weird! haha.

i cant rem what time it was after that but not long after Dr Wong left, the contractions started to be intense and its PAIN de lor. it contracts every 2 mins! darn. i tried to bear with it but couldnt. still told dr that its still bearable for me awhile before. lol. act like heroine only.

sooooo... i asked for epidural. that freaking dr took like hours to come but actually he took about 30mins to attend to me. so he came to me, explained the side effects of epi and asked me to read the form and sign. pls lor, at that point of time he think i still have mood to read meh?? lol. i jus signed on it. in my mind i was thinking, QUICK la!!! the injection of d epi was really not painful at all. jus like a ant bite. maybe its because the contractions was so much painful that i did not feel the pain of the jab. heard that its a thick needle but i dare not see la. lol.

epidural was god sent! heavenly! i felt numb all the way waist down. down side was i kept shivering thati had to ask for another blanket. it was really that cold! i think i had 3 bags of epidural top up.

and so cervix check by the nurse and my gynae and i was progressing so slowly. cervix still not soft yet. but dr assured me i will give birth today.

finally at 7ish at night i was 8cm dilated. hooray! then by 8ish i was pushed into the delivery suite. hurhurhur. was shivering like mad and nurse took my temp and i was running a fever. i asked bun to off d aircon and the stupid nurse came in and on d airconand say its v stuffy. she then walked out and i asked bun to off again. lol.

i could really feel that baby is coming out liao!! she then taught me how to push. i was still feeling abit numb as d epi was running low liao. d nurse told me, u wont give birth so fast, u want another dosage? i said no! siao ah, 1 more dosage, how m isuppose to push later on.

then she walked out after teaching me how to push a couple of times. so i jus lie there lor. then she came in and was niam-ing that today got so many pple give birth, not enough manpower, she got to run here and there. then she asked me:" did u push when i was out?" i replied no. then she raised her voice and say :"i go out u must also continue pushing one!" wah lau, how m i suppose to know sia. freaking hell. so i was pushing with bun alone in d suite lor. was thinking what if baby comes out?

finally gynae arrived. by then i was already pushing for an hour or so. gynae came in with 2 senior nurse. they look like those scary missy who will torture u in those movies one. i was thinking cham liao. so they taught me how to push and they were very encouraging! gynae prepared the vaccum for me and "stuffed" it into my V. so d moment i felt my contractions came, the nurse will shout :"ok, come PUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!" and they will push my tummy to assist me. i had like 10 over pushes. and before the last push, doc told me, u are running a fever, baby will be infected if he stays inside longer and we will have to do emergency caeseran for u. the nurse then say for the sake of ur baby, push harder mummy.

I did a last PUSHHHHHH and out comes little J, weighing 3.190kg. oh man. as dr wong was stitching me up, he told me, this is what we call hard labour... then he also say, u r lucky to have such encouraging nurse, remember to thank them. I then thank them before they left the suite. i tried to remember their names but when i was more sober, i forgot their names. lol.

I was shivering even worse than before after d stitches. the shivering finally stopped when they pulled out the epidural. i then called my mum while they were cleaning me up and i vomitted after they pulled out d epi. vomitted another time when back to ward.

Bun says its very scary cos theres alot of blood n he dare not see when doc was stitching me. rofl.

o ya, and lil J refuse to cry when he came out. nurse had to smack his backside and his thighs before he start screaming. when i heard his cries, i almost cried.

so this is my labour story. it was painful and scary. not too sure if i will have a no. 2. haha. =)

mummies are noble!

The End,

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….


My darling boy, when my chores are through, we will cross the rainbow bridge together.
And between now & then, till I see you again, I'll be loving you...


I wish, I wish, I wish...

A healthy & handsome lil' J'don