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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Talking about fate.. Ha!

1 9 1 0, these 4 numbers seems to be affiliated with the Buns. Why?

Father Bun and I dated on 19-10-01 (wow, almost 10 long years together! haha!)

J'don decided to join us on 1-9-10

Father Bun's last 4 digit of his I/C number is 9110.

How nice is that? :)

The End,

Friday, August 19, 2011

Now.. How time files? My lil boy was born about 1 year ago weighing 3.19kg, cause me to have labour pain for like 15 hours, taking his own sweet time to come out just 4 days before my EDD.

His grandma says he is just like his father, slow motion one.. LOL.

Anyway, the lil boy 1 year ago whom I was still craddling in my arms is now "walking" ! Haha.. He now can walk steadily for about 7-8 steps. And my lil one hasnt learnt how to walk on the floor, but he is already trying to walk on bed lor.. LOL. Machiam machiam only...

Because he is learning how to walk, he already got 2 bruises aka blue black on his forehead. And last night, he fell backwards too. Wailed big time man! But its ok my darling, these are part n parcels of growing up, you wont learn how to walk without falling right? *muacks!

So I guess and hope by his birthday, he can walk steadily! hehehe. so, now we have to put on shoes for him wherever he goes, time to get him(and his daddy) a pair of crocs and havaianas!!! Woot!!

The End,

Friday, July 29, 2011

I have been researching and shortlisting the childcare of my lil boy who will be turning 18 months soon in 7 months time. Dont see me as kiasu hor, because the whole of SG are vying for the good schools, even pcf sparkletots are full already! Luckily for J'don, he is guaranteed a place in his current school although I heard from the principal that the childcare class is full and on waiting list. But, I don't really fancy pcf aka the ex PAP schools for I, myself was from PAP kindergarden whereas my brother was from private preschool. Although, times have changed, but I dont really like the idea when the principal is very rigid, do everything also follow book, then say this cannot, that cannot, even bring toothbrush to ask the teacher to brush J'don's teeth also can't...

Anyway, even that aside, I don't really like the idea of having china teachers to teach J'don in school lar. Plus, i read alot of good comments and feedback of The OrangeTree just diagonally right across my block.

School fees wise, after govt subsidy, PCF and OT respectively cost- $300+ and $600+. That is like double the amount monthly! But I really want an air-conditioned environment for J'don lar, because he is a sweaty baby. And plus, I am not so in favor with the menu at pcf because the menu they put up at the wall is for show only. The teachers can tell me they never follow one. And they fed my boy cupcake, I almost scream at them lor. Just because J'don has got 8 teeth last month, he was treated like a toddler and given cupcake bought from outside.

As silly as I can be, I actually asked the teacher: "is the cupcake sugar-free, homemade?" The teacher replied me with a frown:" of course not! bought from outside one! "

I nearly fainted. Here I am trying to keep my "blank sheet of paper" as white and pure as it can be, there you are trying to use a black crayon to color it.. And so, I firmly told him, sorry, NO. Please dont feed my son with junk. I do not wish him to have tooth decay yet and I dont intend to introduce him high sugar food and outside food yet; at least for the first year of his life.

So, because of some nitty gritty stuffs, I kinda lean more towards a new school, OT because of the convenience! But anyway, nothing is confirmed yet, I will recce and see how it goes...


Anyway, for Bt Panjang/ CCK/ Bt Batok/ Bt Timah Mummies, heres some feedback i consolidated from the internet.


No aircon, airy, study programmes and food menu displayed on the wall, utilise public playground, has dining area, teachers are expressive when conducting chinese lesson, teachers students ratio good, free from HFMD for past 12yrs... touch wood ~$290


No aircon, nice environment with own sheltered playground, has own dining area, caring teachers, teachers students ratio good ~$435


With aircon, new (just renovated), study programmes displayed on the wall, gym corner, utilise public playround, dining area inside classroom, teachers students ratio good ~$315


With aircon, study programmes displayed on wall, nice toilets, dining area inside classroom, mostly Malay teachers, students look happy, school fees is inclusive of enrichment programs (kids gym & multi media learning) ~$600


No aircon, airy, place looks old, utilise public playground, dining area inside classroom ~$270


Aircon, no. of children is low, clean (just opened last year), don't like the toilets inside classroom as it has a smell, utilise public playground ~$270


Fully aircon, spacious, clean (just opened in June), intake small at the moment (can only see one class in operation), own playground, nice place ~$590


No aircon, marble flooring (not suitable for young children unless put on socks/shoes), has to walk up & down stairs for lunch or to classroom, dining area looks cramp, caring teachers, free from HFMD for past few years... touch wood ~$620

The End,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Its the 5th July today!! Woohoo!! I cant wait for our trip in 15 days' time.. Although its only to Bangkok, but I cant wait to eat, shop, eat, shop and eat and shop!! rofl..

After blogging this entry, I will go and do up our lil itinery for our 3D2N trip.. Father bun asked me yesterday,:"how many days are we going ah?" and i said 3d2n lor... And he gave me a "phew!" look.. and said.. good, not so long..

I knew it lar! wanted to go 4d3n but am afraid its too boring.

There are so many exciting things to look forward to! Who says you will have no life after having a kid? :)

We had our weekly swim last week at Alice's place in her self proclaimed - bathtub. lol..

The lil ones had fun and the old ones had theirs too.. I swam laps in it ok!! LOL.. None of them noticed, my arms was on J'don's float and I swam from one end to the other end hor.. After which, we went to Sakaru at Compasspoint for dinner, shop and home sweet home.. J'don concuss in the car and I slept at 9.30pm that night..

We are going to the ZOOOOOOOOO this Saturday! Weeee!! Its been eons since we last went to the zoo.. And hopefully, the weather is sunny enough, we will let J'don and Lucas to the water playground.. Heehee. Having a lil one = having a healthy lifestyle.. We now sleep early, wake up early, go swimming, go to the zoo, go to indoor playground, go for classes and the list goes on and on.. Of course, we are lucky to have a few close mummy friends with the lil ones of the same age.. ^.^

The End,

Monday, June 20, 2011

That particular night, J'don had an early night. And thus, both of us sat down and had a talk about our current situations and plans. Wow, it seems that we had not catch up with each other for quite some time. I guess, the son got us both busy and tied down that we both forgot to slow down or even stop to ask about each other.

So, I told father bun about my plan of the near future, of what I intend to do. And apparently, he's very supportive of me. I told him about a dilemma I had about this matter and he gave me a solution almost immediately- a great sign of relief, boy.

Thus, we have decided to venture into this aspect, keeping our fingers and toes crossed that we'll succeed.

A moment of hard work, a life time of success.  

We shall bear this in mind and keep ourselves disciplined, all for a better life for our precious.

In order to kick start the whole venture, we need a good cash flow. Hence, we'll be selling off our main expenses, which is our precious EuroR. As much as we didn't want to, but... we have to. The monthly installment, the upcoming insurance will be a killer. Soon, I believe, we will have a better replacement. ^_^

So as for now, we are keeping with our lil humble jazz for transport from point A - B and that it keeps our cost down...

Goodbye, my ah-ler!

The End,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How time flies! My lil rascal is NINE months old! Haha. Why I call him rascal is because, he bit me on my hand yesterday night again! I have been warning him if he bites me again, I will smack his mouth and true enough, he did it yesterday. I forcefully "threw" him down and I smack his mouth lightly and with a very stern and loud voice, I "scolded" him and he wailed immediately. He seems to know that I am scolding him. Hurts me to scold him, but well, spare the rod, spoil the child. I cant let him go around biting people eh?

And so as he wailed, his Grandma came in and said: "why u bite mummy? aiyo.. so ke lian, ok la ok la, dont cry. Mah Mah carry come." As my mum carried J'don up, he kept stealing glances at me and I looked at him fiercely. After he calmed down, he came in and again, crawled to me asking me to carry him, seems to have forgotten the whole epidsode eh? I then tried my best to get his attention to the blue black on my hand and explained to him that he shouldn't bite Mummy in hope that he can understand, but I doubt so. Haha! Its like so freaking pain can?

Now that he's 9 months old, he goes mum mum mum mum-ing when he wanna ask for food. LOL. Its really cute when he does that.. I really enjoy the time we spent together and I am willing to sacrifice everything just for him.

J'don means the world to me.
@ 9 months, he can
- sit up on his own unassisted
- crawl and change to sitting position and vice versa
- i believe he knows how to call ma ma and sometimes ba ba
- always trying to strike a balance on his own while standing
- pick up puffs and feed himself
- when he feel like it(aka when he's song), he will wave byebye.
- knows his "chouchou-smelly"
- purposely throw his chouchou when im carrying him and make me pick it up upteen times
- when i refuse to pick up his chouchou, he will take his pacifier and let it drop off from his hand to the floor
- knows how to take his pacifier and put it back to his mouth
- loves to play with water and will cry when i carry him out (unlike when he was a newborn who will scream the house down when we bath him!)
- and yes, he bit me twice with his 8 lil teeth!!

And this is a present he got from his granduncle and grandaunt who really dote on him. haha! its super appropriate can? It fits him PURRR-FECTLY!

The End,

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Counting down 2 more LONGGGG months to our 1st family trip! Father bun is silently protesting about Bangkok because he will need to walk. I think J'don takes after me, he loves to go gai gai. LOL. And I always tell J'don, next time when you grow up, both of us go Bangkok and shop and we leave your Daddy here in Singapore okay. ^^

Flight booked and we will be trying Pathumwan Princess hotel this time round because it is situated adjacent to MBK and also near to Siam Paragon, Siam Center, Siam Discovery and Siam Square. This time round, we will be skipping CTC as my boy sweats like nobody's business. So we will be hanging around at shopping centres only. We are gonna take things easy this time round as in, go back to hotel for his afternoon nap and rest early. But might be popping by the Prathunam night market and of course, the Carter's factory! Woot! I cant wait man!! Also, I did not book the breakfast in the hotel because, with J'don around, I dont think we can make it for the breakfast! By the time I bath, feed and prepared his stuff it would be around 10am and also, I dont wanna restrict myself to the timing; take things easy, remember? The past BKK trips were always like CHEONG ARH!!!

Next year, when J'don is slightly older, like 1 yr plus, we will be bringing him to HK's Disneyland! Cant wait! Haha..

Time really flies, he's now coming to 9 months old, we will be booking his birthday chalet at Pasir Ris Aloha Resort and his gf, Germaine will be holding hers beside us! Haha~! Thanks to them for helping us book. God pls bless us in booking the chalet! Am gonna make his ONE-derful birthday a blast! Still deciding on the theme though.... Not too sure which to go for, Tigger? Cookie Monster?

Anyway, recently, I have been receiving a few "complaints" from the IFC. LOL.

1) Everytime J'don wakes up from his afternoon nap, all the other babies will also wake up.
2) J'don crys when I finish feeding him his porridge, how much does he actually eat at home? So scary leh, he already eat 1 full bowl.
3) I get hungry easily looking after J'don. His strength is big untilll.....
4) Its impossible to change his diapers/ dress him at the diaper changing area. He will flip and turn and try to stand up..

I went LOL at all the "complaints". Haha. My naughty boy! His Daddy also gave up changing his diapers.. Haha. Now that he got 8 teeth, he bite on my arm that day and it cause a patch of blue black. If he does that again, im gonna smack lightly on his mouth to warn him not to do that. Actually, i dont bear to, but spare the rod, spoil the child. Oh ya! And recently, hes learning how to stand without support and he will try to balance himself with his 2 arms stretched out infront of him. haha! so cute, shall take a pic if i have a chance to. He can now self feed himself with the lil biscuits. hehe. my clever darling!

Motherhood is such a unique, wonderful and rewarding journey! =)

The End,

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….


My darling boy, when my chores are through, we will cross the rainbow bridge together.
And between now & then, till I see you again, I'll be loving you...


I wish, I wish, I wish...

A healthy & handsome lil' J'don